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Discussion in 'Completed Figures' started by TD2802, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. TD2802 Active Member

    Been absent a while due to a major medical issue. As part of my recovery therapy, I decided to complete this Jade bust from Ignis Art. I really liked the box art and tried to follow along with some subtle variations. Acrylics, inks, and pastels were mostly used. Skin tones applied with several thin glazes. Hope you like, cheers!
    jade1.jpg jade2.jpg jade3.jpg jade4.jpg
    Gruntdoc, arj, Egg and 9 others like this.
  2. MoboSchreuder A Fixture

    Beautiful paintwork
  3. Tecumsea PlanetFigure Supporter

    Lovely skin tones, very realistic.
  4. Nap Moderator

    Hi Brian

    Great to see your posting and no better way to help the recovery

    Very natural flesh tones and Acrylics as well .......share your mixes if possible

    The eyes are also nicely done .....The headdress is a riot of colour , very vibrant painting

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    Thanks for sharing

    Look forward to seeing more

    Happy benchtime

  5. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    impressive work td, whish you a speedy recovery and keep painting, love your work.
  6. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Very colorful, excellent job!
  7. TD2802 Active Member

    Thank you all for the kind compliments and my apologies for being inactive so long on these boards. For the skin tones, I base coated a mix of Vallejo carmine red and of off white with about a 70/30 ratio to give it a warm undercoat. I next blocked out the cheeks with undiluted carmine, the eye orbits with Vallejo Prussian blue, and the side of the head with flat green; don't have pics but at this point she looked like a clown, lol. The entire face (and chest area) was then covered with a mix of the base lightened with Vallejo basic skin tone which served as the midtone, gradually applied with several thin glazes highlighting with dilutions of the midtone till we're left with pure skin tone for the high points. I next added a blue wash for eye shadow . To make the cheeks more life like, I sparingly applied a red siena pastel; lips were a mixture of carmine red with orange red, highlighted by adding a little of the skin midtone. Finished it all off by spraying everything with a satin clear coat.

    Hope that helps!
    Nap likes this.
  8. Egg Active Member

    Very nice.
  9. arj A Fixture

    Excellent painting, and a very eye-catching piece.

  10. TD2802 Active Member


    Thank you!
  11. TD2802 Active Member

    Glad you like it!

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