Awesome Kevin, Ruckin Onward!
Plenty of being now will be an entertainment thread as usual.
Cheers Simon
Plenty of colour to get right Kev. Nice work on the additional medals.
Looking really nice Kev, the uniform colour is great. If you want a variation in the hat, rather than change the shade you could accentuate the shade on the lower part of the crown and up the highlights on the top. It'll give you some variance whilst maintaining the balance of shade.
If you think thos is a good idea, I do have them every now and then, if not I'm also full of crap ideas all the time!
Cheers Simon
Wonderful progress on this Nap!
Great to have you look in , the casting is excellent from Dolman which always helps
Coming on a treat, keep up the good work.
that is looking very nice already,it's going to be a very beautiful bustfollow this
This is looking great, comrad!
Looking good busty, I like it a lot.
Nice work on his gold stars! and cap badges, really like how you treat the metallics, it stands out so well on an ovrwise fairly sombre uniform colour.
Cheers Simon