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Iraqi infantryman (Iran-Iraq war) 1:35

Discussion in 'Completed Figures' started by Robert Jan de Wit, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. Robert Jan de Wit PlanetFigure Supporter

    Hello all,

    My first single figure in acrylics. Besides a small experiment with Vallejo acrylics some 15 years ago I always painted with Humbrol and some oils. At the time I couldn’t get a grasp on working with acrylics so I put them away and used my Humbrol since. But Humbrol paints aren’t what they used to be anymore and that was influencing my painting and modelling experience negatively.

    First I thought I could deal with it but last year I ordered some new humbrol tins but they were also bad quality. So I gave up and bought myself some AKgen3 sets and watched a lot of YouTube tutorials and did some reading on the subject. Last week I started with this figure and my experiences with these paint are really positive. So out with the Humbrol and on with the acrylics.

    The figure is a small conversion of the MIG Lebanese tanker, new head and helmet, some small carving and sculpting. Base is done in magic sculpt. I believe the ammo box is from MIG also.

    Shadows and highlighting are still a little harsh. On my next figures I wanna to try more subtlety in the transitions. Please feel free to comment with a critical friends eye on the paintwork.

    2029C61A-9F12-4780-BBE3-6C25CF54F6AB.jpeg 1A9ACA43-8375-4484-B8E9-6867E5447730.jpeg B1434311-A3A7-497D-832A-A6901AA525BD.jpeg 878E0E5A-5A54-41B2-B189-3A4B0FC3B96D.jpeg D6D828C1-E8B7-4708-AED9-785F47743D8E.jpeg

    0D24176A-6E1E-49A0-A458-859894CE539F.jpeg 7210AA9B-D933-4251-A3BE-CA67F82A4E9F.jpeg


  2. Robert Jan de Wit PlanetFigure Supporter

    Here are some pictures with a black background. I am trying to improve my photography skills for better presentation of my models. I bought a lightbox and experimenting with my Iphone smartphone with settings and different backgrounds. Let me know if you have any tips for improvement with settings because I always struggle with that.

    678F41B6-26D2-4032-9F14-4D43CFCE6F40.jpeg 3389AD34-178E-447E-8591-4EAA47C485A4.jpeg 1D4919B1-4EDE-4F51-82EA-E867AE725FED.jpeg F0A37380-4C5D-4E64-B285-89F73881FEC4.jpeg 8E040FD5-DE4A-4D24-BEAB-AFD0FE148AA6.jpeg 4520964D-FF90-4326-ABAD-CF477992D8C8.jpeg 7F7DF177-150F-4C9C-85C2-0C68685064E1.jpeg 19A54F70-FCC1-4665-B0D9-E5814D7A10EC.jpeg
  3. MoboSchreuder A Fixture

    Excellent work

    Oda and Robert Jan de Wit like this.
  4. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    I agree, excellent work..
    Robert Jan de Wit and Oda like this.
  5. Blind Pew A Fixture

    Super stuff, quite an unusual subject as well.
    Robert Jan de Wit and Oda like this.
  6. Oda A Fixture

    I could never have guessed it was a "first" had you not mentioned it yourself.Excellent conversion and painting.

    Robert Jan de Wit likes this.
  7. Robert Jan de Wit PlanetFigure Supporter

    Thank you all for the nice comments and likes !
    I have some extra wip and inspiration photo’s to share.

    C7C44DD0-D26B-4454-A3B4-86C291EDEE04.jpeg 24A2E0D1-3540-47A7-912B-819A0F99E91E.jpeg D9D3F57A-3332-403C-A7D8-163D2F8464E4.jpeg 33B7B593-B31B-4F50-AE03-5983773A2237.jpeg A8215F23-FC81-4CD2-B5D0-2B2094D72953.jpeg 668C5A8A-8DE8-4BEA-B306-16331F83AEE7.jpeg DA2B6F1B-B683-42F1-8911-BA81505839FD.jpeg 89983301-2D30-43F6-B9BA-70A10253A92C.jpeg F75C6573-2677-48CB-8940-C0407AE12F6C.jpeg

    aknific, Scotty, sd0324 and 3 others like this.
  8. Nap Moderator

    Hi Robert

    That's a subject we don't often see .....I like the pose and the work you've done on the figure , the painting works for me the way it's highlighted in the first set of pics , possibly too much light in the back background ?

    Great to see the references and the WIP pics

    Nice simple presentation that takes nothing away from the actual figure

    I really must look at the gen 3 paints

    *****PLEASE also SUPPORT the COMPETITIONS of your choice by going to the relevant thread on the link in my signature box and ENTER and VOTE***

    We have a Vignette &Diorama/bi-monthly and the Brennan Brush Challenge

    Thanks for sharing

    Look forward to seeing more

    Happy benchtime

    Robert Jan de Wit and Oda like this.
  9. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    nicely done.
    Nap likes this.
  10. KenBoyle PlanetFigure Supporter

    Great work Robert! :)

    Oda and Robert Jan de Wit like this.
  11. sd0324 A Fixture

    That helmet really look good. Nice work all around.

    Oda and Robert Jan de Wit like this.
  12. gforceman Well-Known Member

    Nice work on an unusual subject!!! The strap on the ammo box is a great little detail, love it!
    Nap likes this.
  13. Mike - The Kiwi A Fixture

    Nicely presented Robert.
    I like over look & pose of this fellow.
    You’ve captured the look of a tired fighter nicely with lovely details like helmet wear & hand bandage.
    What are you most happy with?
    dave mosher and Nap like this.
  14. Robert Jan de Wit PlanetFigure Supporter

    Thanks again for the likes and nice replies!

    @Gino, I really like doing that kind of extra detailing to make it more 3D. I carved the flat, molded strap of the box and replaced it with a lead foil strap.

    @Mike, here is my top 5 for this figure
    1. the helmet because I really wanted to do the helmet as in the reference picture.
    2 The hands. I think they turned out well with the knuckles and the bandage.
    3. the face. I am pretty happy with the face for a first time with acrylics. Hands and faces is something I really want to improve. Eyes are a big challenge too.
    4 the jacket. I like the color and the little effects on the back.
    5 the ammo belt. Still a little too harsh in the contrast on the back, but I like the contrast with the jacket.
    Sculpting the bags was and composing the scene and matching the colors was a real joy.

    I was a bit lazy on the basework and paintwork for pretty much of my last figures.
    So what I really had in mind was to upgrade my modelling joy and experience, testing my skills and raise the bar for myself on painting and the basework. I think I reached that goal and I am very happy with that.

    Nap, Mike - The Kiwi and dave mosher like this.
  15. 1969 A Fixture

    That's a really nice and original figure Robert, I really like it.
    Robert Jan de Wit likes this.

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