Ian Pen


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Ian Pen

PlanetFigure Supporter
Apr 1, 2023
Hi Everybody, my name is Ian and I am English, currently living in Ukraine.

I have just returned to the hobby after nearly 30 years away. Sadly, children, family and work, the bain of any good figure painter got in the way.

I used to paint Napoleonics almost entirely and German WW2 stuff before that. I was influence by my father and his business and that probably blunted the love I had for painting.

My mother and father owned a model shop for over 17 years, they sold just about everything from dolls houses, through jigsaws to figures. I cannot explain how many remote control cars, planes, helicopters and even a submarine I have built or repaired. I am pretty good with anything railway or Scaleletric's in terms of repairs also.

At the shop where I helped out, I would paint figures for myself, I loved poste militaire, Almond and Le Cimier at that time. Dad would display them in the window sometimes and then sell them. It's OK, I got the money, but I just started to paint things I had no interest in for other people.

Currently I am painting busts for my children, now in their thirties. They picked them, I paint them, only this time not being as regimented has increased my enjoyment. I am also painting for the first time exclusively in oils. I dabbled back in the day, however I have really pushed myself to get better and learn new things this time.

I still have a Poste Militare Hussar to do, the one smoking next to the chair. For some reason I cannot remember I decided to convert him to a sapper. Yes, I have saved him for over thirty years! I also have a Le Cimier 'French Grenadier de la garde' in 90mm I have saved, I will paint. Although I appear to have lost his sword/bayonet piece over several house moves. I will need to scratch build one, unless anyone has another idea?

Anyway that's me, didn't mean to ramble quite so much. I like to consider myself helpful and friendly so feel free to contact me. Ian
......I loved poste militaire, Almond and Le Cimier at that time....

You have excellent taste, they were among the very best then and still stand fair comparison with pretty much anything these days. Look forward to seeing what you decide to get into this time around.
Hi Ian

A BIG WELCOME to PF ..great introduction

PF is for all types of figures with or without additions

Great to have you with us , ( I only do busts ! )....share the PF word , all are very welcome to join ..no matter what's modelled with figures, fantasy , warhammer, war game figures

Have a good look around and enjoy

Do ask anything someone will know...feel free to message me with questions

Lots of different sections to look at including traditional and 3 D sculpting , competitions , WIP's , References , Painting techniques and so much more

There are threads in Welcome Aboard about how to do things including posting pics on PF but do contact me always happy to help

We have a Marketplace where after members have contributed 50+ posts can use to sell , request if anyone has a model to sell etc...You might also pick up some rather good bargains !

We have V Bench for WIP's and also a Completed part ,reference section

There's also Painting techniques where you will find much about Acrylics and Oils

ALL figures are welcome and of course Vignettes & Diorama ( we run friendly competitions if you wish as well , one which is a bi monthly comp where there are 3 classes to choose in which to enter )

Look forward to seeing your modelling no matter what you paint or sculpt .......its all about having fun

Happy bench-time

Nap ( Moderator/Admin )
Hi, Ian and welcome to Planet Figure the best miniatures site on the web. And welcome back to our hobby (passion). It doesn't matter what you paint or how you paint it as long as you're having fun. We're happy to have you with us and look forward to seeing your work.
welcome here on the fantastic PF ,a very good forum and help from other painters
enjoy it
Hi Ian.

Welcome to the Planet, and have fun being on board.
Look forward to seeing your work.
