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WIP Here we go!!

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Shaun Smith, Jul 31, 2024.

  1. Shaun Smith Member

    Hi Guys,
    As I've said, I'm new to figures, armour being my thing.

    Anyway, a friend of mine gave me these two, I believe from Jeff Shui?

    So, did a bit of research (well, alot to be honest), got the base coats on the officer and primed the Fallschrimjager.
    So, apologies in advance for "constant gum flapping" but I will be bugging you all for tips etc.

    Cheers to you all

    Oda, Redcap, MalcC and 9 others like this.
  2. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    Great start. It must be nice to have friends like that..(y)
    Oda and Shaun Smith like this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Shaun

    Well done on going for this , nice figures to have ...and a good friend !

    I see you’ve primed and also basecoated the flesh and other areas ...nice start

    With Acrylics it’s all about the build up of very thin layers , I use a blending medium that gives me more working time ( Windsor & Newton ) ...Vallejo and others do something similar

    Following with interest ...looking forward to the “constant gum flapping}........LOL

    Have fun and learn with every brushstroke


    PS I moved this thread to V Bench

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    Oda likes this.
  4. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Just as with armour a good base coat is the best start, all I can suggest at this stage is that it's not that different from armour. Build up base colours then take your time with the detailing, will be watching with interest.

    Cheers Simon
    Oda, Shaun Smith and Nap like this.
  5. Shaun Smith Member

    Thanks for the support guys, it's much appreciated.
    I'm sure my friend will want his "pound of flesh" in return lol.
    Oda, Briggsy and Blind Pew like this.
  6. Blind Pew A Fixture

    Welcome to the mad house, Paul. You'll find us a supportive bunch. Ask anything.
    Oda and Shaun Smith like this.
  7. Shaun Smith Member

    Thanks mate, but could you call me Shaun? but, I have been called worse.
    Oda, MalcC, Peter Rathgeb and 2 others like this.
  8. MalcC A Fixture

    Welcome Shaun, looking forward to seeing future updates.

    Oda and Shaun Smith like this.
  9. NigelR A Fixture

    Welcome Shaun. AFVs look better with figures IMO, so well done for taking the plunge. You will get lots of helpful advice here, I know I have.

    My 10c for you - get some AK Interactive ultramatte varnish. You need your cloth work to look completely matt and paints like Vallejo have a slight (unnatural) sheen. You can mix it with the paint or apply it by brush as a alst step.
    Oda, Nap and Briggsy like this.
  10. Shaun Smith Member

    Many thanks for the welcome and the tips Nigel.
    Oda, NigelR and Nap like this.
  11. Shaun Smith Member

    Afternoon guys,
    So, made a start on the Falschrimjager figure, helmet and face (I've paint stripped the head around x4 times to restart! )
    I'm happy, although I'm tempted to go lighter? Was wondering your thoughts.
    Cheers in advance
    Shaun 20240811_145943.jpg 20240811_145921.jpg 20240811_144113.jpg
    NigelR, Martin64, Oda and 1 other person like this.
  12. F Troop Active Member

    Ditto on the AK UltraMatt. Best I have found so far with the possible exception of Testor's Dull Coat (airbrushed) I sometimes go that route when I have all the "cloth" painted.
    Oda likes this.
  13. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Nice head Shaun, no need to lighten it, these guys tended to.live out doors pretty permanently but I'd give him some colour in his cheeks. What Nigel and F Troop said about the AK Ultra Matt, fantastic stuff, it would take the shine off the crown jewels but leaves a lovely vibrant flat finish.

    Cheers Simon
    Oda likes this.
  14. Shaun Smith Member

    Thanks Briggsy, advice well received. Bought some Ak ultra the other day, so I'll give it a go.
    Oda and Briggsy like this.
  15. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    I started using it as a varnish to remove the sheen from my figures, I still do on the metallics. I have started using it on my wet palette to thin the paint rather than water, it gives a beautiful matt effect but can make the paint a little fragile, but another coat of Ultra Matt seems to solve that.

    Cheers Simon
    Oda and Shaun Smith like this.
  16. NigelR A Fixture

    I agree with Simon, I wouldn't go lighter on the flesh, that's a nice tone as it is. Some colour in the cheeks and a bit of 5 o clock shadow would really help if you fancy those.....
    Shaun Smith and Briggsy like this.

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