Hello from a new figure painter


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Cyrill I.

PlanetFigure Supporter
Jun 29, 2023
Willisau, Switzerland
Hey all, I'm a new member here. My name is Cyrill and I live in Switzerland.
I'm rather new to modelling and painting too - starting out last year I've been trying my hand at different subjects and scales but quickly realised that the larger (54mm+) historical miniatures are what I'm having the most fun with, even if they aren't exactly easy to get in my country or the most forgiving for novices.
The focus of my collection is Late Medieval/Early Modern Europe, a period in history that I've always been heavily invested in. I may also do some antiquity or mythology in the future.

Already made a lot of progress, I think, but still have much to learn and have now reached a point where I'm comfortable sharing my pieces for critique and mutual inspiration.

Hi Cyrill


PF is for all types of figures with or without additions

Great to have you with us , ( I only do busts ! )....share the PF word , all are very welcome to join ..no matter what's modelled with figures, fantasy , warhammer, war game figures

Have a good look around and enjoy

Do ask anything someone will know...feel free to message me with questions

Lots of different sections to look at including traditional and 3 D sculpting , competitions , WIP's , References , Painting techniques and so much more

There are threads in Welcome Aboard about how to do things including posting pics on PF but do contact me always happy to help

We have a Marketplace where after members have contributed 50+ posts can use to sell , request if anyone has a model to sell etc...You might also pick up some rather good bargains !

We have V Bench for WIP's and also a Completed part ,reference section

There's also Painting techniques where you will find much about Acrylics and Oils

ALL figures are welcome and of course Vignettes & Diorama ( we run friendly competitions if you wish as well , one which is a bi monthly comp where there are 3 classes to choose in which to enter )

Look forward to seeing your modelling no matter what you paint or sculpt .......its all about having fun

Happy bench-time

Nap ( Moderator/Admin )
Hi,welcome to this forum,here you find and can ask what you wanna ask
always help from the lovely people here
Welcome to the hobby and to the Planet, Cyrill! That's interesting, that it's difficult for you to find figures. I hope it gets easier for you. There are plenty of good makers over there.
I look forward to seeing your work!

Welcome to the hobby and to the Planet, Cyrill! That's interesting, that it's difficult for you to find figures. I hope it gets easier for you. There are plenty of good makers over there.
I look forward to seeing your work!


Thank you. Oh, we have a ton of modelling/gaming shops, but it's mostly trains, military vehicles, smaller scale miniatures for tabletop wargaming, some WW2 1/35 figures. But I wanted these bigger resin/metal knights I saw on Pinterest etc. before I started and thus far I mailordered them all from the UK (El Greco Miniatures). Which isn't a big problem, but sometimes I wish I could just walk into a store and pick some up without having to deal with courier companies and customs...
Cyrill, big welcome! Remember when the figure becomes to in forgiving you can always strip all the paint and start over. You master the figure don't let it master you. :LOL:
There is at least a maker in your country
Atelier Maket https://ateliermaket.com/fr/

Model Shop in Montreux https://modellingshop.ch/fr/
Vétroz http://euromodelshop.ch/fr/
On Line https://www.gdkits.com/en/
Plastic models but some related to your interest in figurines like ICM, Mini Art, Black Dog, ....

Huh. Never heard of them (except GDkits, I ordered a set of decals there once), might be because I live in the German-speaking part of the country. Have to check them out ASAP, many thanks!