Greetings from Toronto, Canada


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New Member
Jan 12, 2024
Hello everyone,

Total n00b here, hailing from Toronto. I began thinking about starting to paint minis back in the summer, after watching several of Bottled Imp's reviews of the many expansions for the board game Talisman.. In virtually every video he says that he paints the minis himself "to various quality standards" (or something to that effect) so I said to myself just how hard can it be and I started to watch videos about this hobby. By September I started buying supplies (and minis) little by little, until November, when I felt like I had gathered enough stuff to actually start.

I started by painting four pillars and the "toppled" one that came in a set from Wizkids. I was happy with and very much enjoyed the process, so once done with those I moved on to paint a Beholder mini which is now complete. (I think it's a "large mini" because even without the eye stalks, the body is twice the size of the Mind Flayers figures I got at the same time.) Unfortunately, between work, jogging, hiking, rock climbing and playing board games, I don't have nearly enough time to dedicate to painting, but that's not a problem for me, since I find I'm enjoying it just as much as the other stuff. Still, even though paining the pillars likely didn't require more than 2-3 hours in total, it took all of November to finish them. The Beholder took ~20hrs near as I can figure, but I started in early December and only now do I consider it finished... but I'll post pictures in the Just Starting message board and we'll see what you guys think! :cautious: (I haven't applied varnish yet, so I can still make changes.)

My goal here is to have something ELSE to do during my "down time"... I've always loved fantasy board games and, of course, DnD (though DnD limited to reading many of the novels, playing some of the video games and tabletop RPGs-in-a-box, never an actual RPG run by a DM) so being able to get minis for some of the characters and many of the monsters, and bringing them to life through painting... I mean, that's pretty bloody cool, even if these I will only paint for display/dioramas. On the other hand, I figure I may as well also get something (else) out of this, so I plan to paint all the minis from all my board games (except from RISK: Godstorm.. no way, I'm not crazy! ... OK, maybe just the Gods :whistle: ) which I'm sure is going to make playing the games a bit more enjoyable.

... So there we are, that's me. :joyful:
Bonjour Dany!
Wonderful seeing the excitement in your post at getting in to this hobby or ours.
Lots to learn through PlanetFigure and especially good to have a new generation of mini painters join up.
Please do share your projects & ask your questions.
We’re all here to be inspired, as well as learn & share again.
Welcome Dany
The planet is a great place to be.

Loved Toronto when I was there.

Hi there Dany


Great to have you with us , ( I only do busts ! )....share the PF word , all are very welcome to join matter what's modelled with figures, fantasy , warhammer, wargame figures

Have a good look around and enjoy

Do ask anything someone will know...feel free to message me with questions

Lots of different sections to look at including traditional and 3 D sculpting , competitions , WIP's , References , Painting techniques and so much more

There are threads in Welcome Aboard about how to do things including posting pics on PF but do contact me always happy to help

We have a Marketplace where after members have contributed 50+ posts can use to sell , request if anyone has a model to sell etc...You might also pick up some rather good bargains !

We have V Bench for WIP's and also a Completed part ,reference section and much more

There's also Painting techniques where you will find much about Acrylics and Oils

ALL figures are welcome and of course Vignettes & Diorama ( we run friendly competitions if you wish as well , one which is a comp where there are 3 classes to choose in which to enter )

Look forward to seeing your modelling no matter what you paint or sculpt .......its all about having fun

Happy bench-time

Nap ( Moderator/Admin )
Hello, Dany, and welcome to Planet Figure, the best miniatures site on the web. We're happy to have you with us and look forward to seeing your work. It doesn't matter what you paint or how well you paint it. It only matters that you enjoy the hobby. And feel free to ask any questions you may have. Our members are always happy to help. We're all in this together.
Thank you all so much!! What a warm welcome! I really appreciate it, guys!

I already posted a message and pictures of my Beholder in Just Starting and got a bunch of replies, so I'll head over there to read & reply.

All the best to you all,

Welcome, you certainly have a passion for your niche genre. Just enjoy, if it makes you happy your are more than half way there.
Not familiar but looking forward to seeing your work.