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Goblin from RP models "Dr Festus Heemogoblin"

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Following on from the Review I did on the latest release from RP Models ..the Goblin , I have this on my bench

    Currently nearly finished the clothing apart from the seams and decoration on the hood .....the face will be fitted into the hood soon , then a check and onto the bits and bobs he has on the belt.

    Might add an earring as well if I can summon up the skill to drill !!!

    Going to do something with the bottle he carry's as well as the manuscript

    Nameplate was ordered and received yesterday ........."Dr Festus Heemogoblin"...play on words there ;)
    PF WIPs 009.jpg
    [/ATTACH] PF WIPs 004.jpg PF WIPs 005.jpg PF WIPs 006.jpg PF WIPs 007.jpg PF WIPs 008.jpg
    PF WIPs 010.jpg

    The aim on the clothing was to bring out the texture and move away from the monk type clothing in a brown

    I see this fellow as an evil sinister Goblin doctor and must admit I am enjoying the painting ...Acrylics of course!!!

    Thanks for looking in

  2. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Review to WIP all in one day, Nice painting on the face, reminds me of the film "The Mask".
    You have done quite a bit so far and is looking very nice.
    Keep up the good work
    Hugo Pereira likes this.
  3. arj A Fixture

    Nice work so far.
    I like the face; particularly the zit which looks about ready to burst.

    Hugo Pereira likes this.
  4. Jimbo A Fixture

    Wot!...No medals or badges of rank Kev?
    Hugo Pereira likes this.
  5. Nap Moderator


    Not yet........

    Hugo Pereira and Jimbo like this.
  6. Hugo Pereira A Fixture

    Oh my GOD...

    I want to see the Goblin ready... Lets go...

    Excellent work... The face is AMAZING... Congratulations... The end will be fantastic... Im waiting the final result...

    Thank you.
    With best regards
    Hugo Pereira
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  7. trickydicky Member

    Nice work face looks good, looking forward to completed figure
  8. Bootneck Well-Known Member

    That face is amazing Nap. Bet your enjoying the change of pace. Looking forward to the complete figure.

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  9. MrBMB A Fixture

    Looks great
    Looks like there might be a little casting line left on the back left upper arm in pic 4. Just thought I would mention it :)
    Hate when they show up after the model is finished!
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  10. smudger1960 PlanetFigure Supporter

    Brilliant piece of work Kev :)
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  11. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Managed to get away from my bench to get some pictures of where I am with this ....

    clothing all finished ,

    Ears and hands plus tie at the neck to do !!!

    Bottle and remaining bags to paint and fit

    Final checks

    Nameplate then on !!!

    I have added a seal hanging from the manuscript he holds a 016.jpg as well as detailing the book up a little by adding an "all seeing eye" a 015.jpg on the front with the word "Spells" (in Goblin language of course!!!) a 014.jpg on the spine .

    Really enjoying this
    a 010.jpg a 011.jpg a 012.jpg a 013.jpg

    Thanks for looking in

    Viking Bob likes this.
  12. Dipper007 New Member

    The cloth looks real!!!!! excellent job
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  13. Nap Moderator


    Cheers Dipper ,

    Appreciate your comments still contemplating what or if to colour the pattern on his hood ..perhaps a purple ..but not sure ...

    All thoughts welcome


    PS Welcome to PF
  14. Dan Morton A Fixture

    Not my personal cuppa, but nice details and painting!

    All the best,
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  15. Nap Moderator


    Not mine either but fancied trying this fantasy thing ..next up will be a uniform!!

    Thanks for comments and looking in

  16. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Another fine bust and the painting can't get any better.
    You have excelled yourself on this one.
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  17. Nap Moderator


    Cheers Bob,

    Thanks for comment about my bust ...and the one I am painting is a fine one as well!!

    It's certainly a different approach painting non military subjects ...good to have a change as well

    Thanks for looking in

    Viking Bob likes this.
  18. Bootneck Well-Known Member

    You have done a fine job on this Nap and it shows you have enjoyed yourself. Personally I feel the decoration on the hood deserves painting and a complimentary colour to the green face would be nice. Purple or red??

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  19. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the comments ...I will be painting the hood embroidery .....building up my mojo!

    Verbal update ....

    Now added a securing strap on book( stops spells from escaping!)

    Fingers,ears all done ...finger nails are next ......

    Then to the fingerless gloves probably be a leather ..... Then it's the bottle and then....

    That hood embroidery!....Valium and caffeine at the ready

    A suggestion from SWMBO is to splatter a bit of blood on the clothing by using the flicking method!.....but wait till you have finished everything else she says ........

    Any thoughts or suggestions ( divorce is not an option LOL )

    Thanks for looking in

    Bootneck likes this.
  20. trickydicky Member

    Very nice sort of up my street is it pricey like the teeth especially

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