German panzer uni


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New Member
May 14, 2005
so im workingon my second large scale figure and i have all of it painted besides the highlighting on the face and the camo on the pants. ive decided to paint the tunis field grey. the figure is a panzer commander and i need some help deciding what would be the wisest type of cammo to paint on his slacks. my refrence materials are slim to none, so i ask you all for asistance. thanks again
ill go ahead and post it, even though its embarrasing to have my work up on here where some of the best figure sculptors and painters are :|

Nice work there! To me each paint job is somewhat of an art work. Remember, we all had to start somewhere!

As for the cammo, if it is after '44 try some pea dot camo!
Hello Matthew and welcome to the planet. Never feel embarrased to post your work. Your second figure is much better than my 20th figure. We all have to start at some point. I am sure someone will respond to you about camo.(not my era I'm afraid)
I see from the pics that your tanker is Army, which would rule out SS camo patterns. However, as far as I know, the Army, unlike Waffen SS, did not have a "official" camo panzer uniform. There were some trousers made from Italian camo matterial, maybe spliner and sumpfmuster are also possible. Personally, I would go with the italian camo if you want camo trousers. Another possiblity: sculpt on the large trouser pocket and paint them reed green.
Here is a link that may help:

By the way, your figure looks nice so far.
ok thanks for you help everyone. so its pretty unlikely that this panzer commander would have pea dot camo trousers?
Dear Matthew, don't worry about posting your stuff on here. It's too easy to compare yourself to others but try not to. Don't think of yourself as better or worse than anybody else, just perhaps less experienced or less developed. Treat this hobby as a learning curve, because it is.
Don't think you'll improve with every project either. In my experience, you don't but as long as each figure teaches you something, it's been valuable.

Anyway, all anybody will ever show are the success stories, the nightmare figures (and we've all had them!) get chucked in the bin. Keep the work coming.
Hey Mattew, I agree with Anthony, figure painting is an endless learning process,
Never be intimidated or think that your figures aren't worth posting, we can all learn something from viewing other people's work and don't be afraid to ask questions. ;)


Roc. :)
ive decided to not paint them camo becasue as said earlier its unlikely that this non ss soldier wore it. ill post pics of it later, as well as some of my other stuff im working on
Matthew the guys are right. you'er off to a great start. I think this entire hobby is a learning curve, and just when you feel it's getting easier, the bar gets raised and you stretch yourself a little more. Welcome to the planet, these are great guys, and thanks for having a worktable that almost makes me look neat :))
Good luck
I'm starting to build my first vignette for the Atlanta Club after toy soldier collectoing for 50 years! and mostly unpainted toy soldiers at that! So I guess it's never too late to start either!
' :)
Welcome to the planet Paul,
I have seen some remarkable improvements in the injection figures and some have some unbelievable detail (read your news posting and approved it) My first Historical figures were Historex and then followed with the metal.

You've come to the right place to get your feet wet with painting figures. Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask any of the members here.

Again....welcome to the planet.
You've landed on the right "planet" here. If you have any questions, just ask, and these friendly guys, experts, historian will give the answers. ;)
And that was how I started few years ago too, not knowing what was "wet on wet" meant and couldn't believe that people can blend 4-5 different colors on a size of a peanut to end up with a beautiful face.
Welcome to the community

This is the place to be for painting figure's. I am just two years painting little man, and believe me, i have learned alot here at the planet.
But you get to ask questions. And remember the most stupid question is the question that has never been asked.
