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WIP Fusiliers of the Soissonois regiment 1781

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello planeteers , these two Fusiliers are the latest on my workbench.
    Continuing with my Yorktown diorama , i am planning to add 4 more fusiliers marching in addition to these 2 and the flagbearer , officer and drummer.
    the pictures with the image of the paints is what i have used for the mixing base on the white, which i used the base from the Andrea white set ,added a dab of japanese uniform and a dab o black.
    For the crimson i've use vallejo game Gory red , dab of andrea basic red , a dab of Vallejo Sunset rose and a little dab of Windsor & Newton acrylic Alizarin crimson, which gives a bright shade to the base color.
    Hope you guys like.
    Cheers DSC03386.JPG DSC03387.JPG DSC03388.JPG DSC03389.JPG DSC03384.JPG DSC03385.JPG
    housecarl and billyturnip like this.
  2. ChaosCossack A Fixture

    Man, they just keep coming!!!!
    Is this the base mix you always use for the uniform white? It's almost got a yellow base to it.

  3. MarquisMini A Fixture

    colin, it is a creamy kakhi white , but i have basecoated several figs using the Andrea white system base with a little bit of Japanese and black.
    Not really too far from the base color but definitively stronger.
    ChaosCossack likes this.
  4. Edorta A Fixture

  5. MarquisMini A Fixture

    that is a really nice mix , i believe is very similar to the mix i've used.
    I think i will order the ocher from Andrea , cause i have yellow ochre and don't know if it is the same.
    Thanks Eduardo!
  6. mil-mart A Fixture

    Daniel a great start and looking forward to seeing the regiment come together. (y)

    Cheers Ken
  7. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Ken , i will post progress pics in a couple days.
    Best regards

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