Another one! I wondered where you'd been hiding, I need to come over here more often! Lovely work, again lo0oking forward to paint......
Hi Nigel
I’m still here !...bit of a update , been reworking the back of the left lower arm , needed filling out more won’t show that much ...but it’s sorted
The sculpt facial features look older so reckon might add a touch of gray to his facial hair ?
Going to check how it’s looking and then might basecoat up before I attack the

and pigs in blankets
Colours are based around a French Blue ......obviously there are variations
The basecoating will be colours close to these ( Thanks for info Mick )
Headwear ...Very Dark Green
Hackle....French Blue
Uniform and Shawl ....French Blue ....I will have a variation between these
Kilt.....saffron ....Orangey/Brown

Facings ...Very Dark Blue with silvered details (buttons,badges etc)
Bagpipe bag....Dark Green or Blue