Hugo Pereira
A Fixture
Hello Mr. Zastrow
I want to ask you appollogies for the delay answer... We are trying to do corrections and because of that I didnt answer earlier... My appollogies Sir...
I want to express my gratitute for all your help, time and patience that you have... Its very important to RPmodels have a such 'good friend'... You are very kind Sir...
We did a big journey, but k now everthing is better... And the final result, in miy opinion of course, is very good... Something different and unusual, but with many dinamica and action pose... I hope you like the bust too... Its different...
Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
I want to ask you appollogies for the delay answer... We are trying to do corrections and because of that I didnt answer earlier... My appollogies Sir...
I want to express my gratitute for all your help, time and patience that you have... Its very important to RPmodels have a such 'good friend'... You are very kind Sir...
We did a big journey, but k now everthing is better... And the final result, in miy opinion of course, is very good... Something different and unusual, but with many dinamica and action pose... I hope you like the bust too... Its different...
Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira