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Free 3D scanning software

Discussion in 'Digis - Digital Miniatures 3D Modeling' started by RKapuaala, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. RKapuaala Active Member

    This is software for scanning real objects and converting them into 3D point clouds. I tried it out and it is pretty amazing considering I just used a construction level and scanned by hand. They offer a better lazers on their site and if you are handy it wouldn't be too hard to convert a camera tripod into a reasonable lazer stand.
    I may break down and buy one of their full kits one day since I have a lot of sculpts in clay that I might want to digitze eventually.
    The nice thing about this product is that you can own your own 3D scanner without having to sell an organ or take out a mortgage on your home,,, in fact with a little ingenuity you can have it for free since they give you the software.
    Jamie Stokes and gordy like this.
  2. gordy Well-Known Member

    That's incredible, do you have a sample image of a scan ?
  3. redhorse Active Member

    399 Euros for a full setup! Wow, this stuff has come down in price!
  4. RKapuaala Active Member

    Gordy, mine came out pretty horrible compared to theirs because I was using the wrong lazer and I was holding it in my hand. But this is a 5.25" figure I scanned.
    Considering that the beam was too wide and the wrong frequency and I was holding it, not a bad scan. But check out their site, they have some much cooler results using the right equipment.
  5. JonP PlanetFigure Supporter

    We've got one of these and have been having a bit of play with it. The ambient light can make quite a difference to how the scans come out too so it may be worth experimenting with. We bought ours as part of a package with a 3D printer from A1 Technologies whose site is worth a look at;

  6. RKapuaala Active Member

    Thanks for the link Jon. Yep, ambient light does play a role, but keep in mind the specs on your lazer are a lot different than a cheapy construction lazer level and that makes a greater difference especially when held by hand. What are you using the 3Dprinter for???
  7. JonP PlanetFigure Supporter

    I run a design engineering consultancy and we use the 3D printer for making prototype parts for our clients; normally for plastic components so they can get a feel for the item before comiting to tooling. Even though we can create csome great CAD images you can't beat seeing an item in the flesh so to speak. I have had a bit of a play with it knocking up some archetectural pieces as well.
    Jamie Stokes likes this.
  8. RKapuaala Active Member

    You have one cool job Jon,,, I'm envious ;)
  9. JonP PlanetFigure Supporter

    Cheers Richard,

    started the business a couple of years ago with a guy I used to work for and I love it. I don't think I could go back to working for someone else now :)
  10. bigtodd PlanetFigure Supporter


    I work for a 3d scanning software company. I would love to see the raw point files. Also if you need any help cleaning up a file let me know off line.

  11. RKapuaala Active Member

    Todd, I'm always interested in better prices and materials. So far the files are very clean sculptris doesn't make a huge mess of things,,, so far. Go to my site and checkout some of my 3D figures already released http://scalehumans.com/ultimate .

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