This piece is from El Viejo Dragon Miniatures, in 60 mm.
From September 1936 the flow of Italian forces towards the Iberian peninsula became practically continuous. the Italian Military Mission Spain (from now on MMIS), starting from January 1937, began the classification of approximately 15,000 soldiers of the Royal Army and 29,000 "Black Shirts" of the Volunteer Militia for National Security (from now on MVSN) present in that date. But the continuous arrivals and subsequent operational needs of the various war fronts led to changes in the organizational structure several times. On 10 January 1937, among others, two "Mixed Brigades" were established made up of Spanish and Italian elements of the Royal Army and the MVSN which, on the following 31 January, took the name of the "Frecce Azzurre" Mixed Assault Brigades and “Frecce Nere” (Brigadas Mixtas de asalto “Flechas Azules” and “Flechas Negras”) both made up mainly of assault mortar platoons.
On 1 August 1937 the two Brigades were reunited under a single Division: the "Divisione Frecce" or "Division Flechas". This, however, was only a formal placement as the "Frecce Azzurre" Brigade was located in Andalusia, while the "Frecce Nere" Brigade was operational in Biscay. The following October 22nd the Mixed “Frecce Verdi” Division was established.
In the autumn of 1938, there was a final reorganization which, in addition to the totally Italian "Littorio d'Assalto" Division, formed three mixed Divisions: the "Frecce Nere" Division, the "Frecce Azzurre" Division and the "Frecce Verdi" Division. This structure remained almost unchanged until the complete return of the Italian forces employed in Spain on the nationalist front.

From September 1936 the flow of Italian forces towards the Iberian peninsula became practically continuous. the Italian Military Mission Spain (from now on MMIS), starting from January 1937, began the classification of approximately 15,000 soldiers of the Royal Army and 29,000 "Black Shirts" of the Volunteer Militia for National Security (from now on MVSN) present in that date. But the continuous arrivals and subsequent operational needs of the various war fronts led to changes in the organizational structure several times. On 10 January 1937, among others, two "Mixed Brigades" were established made up of Spanish and Italian elements of the Royal Army and the MVSN which, on the following 31 January, took the name of the "Frecce Azzurre" Mixed Assault Brigades and “Frecce Nere” (Brigadas Mixtas de asalto “Flechas Azules” and “Flechas Negras”) both made up mainly of assault mortar platoons.
On 1 August 1937 the two Brigades were reunited under a single Division: the "Divisione Frecce" or "Division Flechas". This, however, was only a formal placement as the "Frecce Azzurre" Brigade was located in Andalusia, while the "Frecce Nere" Brigade was operational in Biscay. The following October 22nd the Mixed “Frecce Verdi” Division was established.
In the autumn of 1938, there was a final reorganization which, in addition to the totally Italian "Littorio d'Assalto" Division, formed three mixed Divisions: the "Frecce Nere" Division, the "Frecce Azzurre" Division and the "Frecce Verdi" Division. This structure remained almost unchanged until the complete return of the Italian forces employed in Spain on the nationalist front.