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figure shops in california

Discussion in 'General Figure Talk' started by JABERWOCKY, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    hi to all,
    can anyone tell me if there are shops selling metal figures ie pegaso/ andrea or anything similar in southern california , san francisco?
    i 'm travelling there in a few months and would like to get something if there are any available.
    thanks to all for your help.
  2. gordy Well-Known Member

    None comes readily to mind, hopefully some California folks will know :D
  3. Paul Kernan A Fixture

    Not sure if you are travelling down Hwy1 from SF to southern Cal but there used to be a small nicely stocked figure/military art store in Cambria (around where the Hearst mansion is) about half way between SF and LA. Sorry can't remember the name of it.
  4. captnenglish Well-Known Member

  5. JBoisson New Member

    Howdy Jaberwocky
    I'm afraid there's nothing to speak of in the San Francisco Bay Area, Franciscan Hobbies and the Hobby Co. in San Francisco, D+J Hobbies in Campbell (San Jose area) L+ M Hobbies in San Carlos and Talbot's Toys in San Mateo (S.F. peninsula) are small general hobby shops that cater very little to the historical miniaturist--muy pequeno in the way of figs, books, magazines , even paints. Gator Games in San Mateo has Vallejo paints but is a fantasy sci/fi joint. Gamescape in San Rafael (Marin Co.) had Ospreys and magazines. There are some good used book stores in the area, Dan Webb's in Oakland, Moe's in Berkeley and Green Apple in SF are personal faves. Two cool places you shouldn't miss if you have the time are the Military Antique Store in Petaluma (Sonoma Co. about 30 min.s north of SF) a militaria store with a pretty cool little military museum. Then there's the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation in Portola Valley (between SF/SJ, in the hills to the west of Palo Alto) The late Jacques Littlefield, scion of the heavy equipment contractor who built the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges, collected and restored tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces the way we collect model kits. The place is amazing, you got to book yourself on a tour. (I got to book myself for a tour) Check out the website. Hope this helps.
    John B
  6. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    hello to all,
    my thanks to everyone who replied to my enquiry about hobbyshops in california. i've gotten some really useful addresses
    best wishes
  7. LRM1967 New Member

    Isn't the "Black watch" still in the LA area? I was there a few years ago. Have noide aof the address though, sorry

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