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FIGONE is alive!!!

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by jeremiebt, May 11, 2010.

  1. jeremiebt Member

    Figone have a new miniature in his range !

    The company gets bigger, with a “strider” sculpted by Ivan Santario De La Uz. A beautiful 54mm model that comes to enlarge the rank of the community ;)



    Other view of the unpainted model here:


    For the large scale lover, the scale 75 line acquires an “operator 79”, and we take the opportunity to enter 4 historical references to our line: a “crusader”, “Leonidas”, a “Great Master”, as well as an “Executioner”.

    A set of paints for NMM and a very useful bag of artificial snow (I was looking for a good one for such a long time) also take their place in the growing catalogue, always and forever.

    Vincent, which I thank so much for his help, developed a system of “reader gallery”. You will find here the first published picture: http://www.figone.fr/peintres/

    If you wish that your interpretation of one of the models of our lines shows in this gallery: send us the pictures!

    Who paint’that?

    At the bottom of the page (http://www.figone.fr/peintres/) there are pictures of models that got pictured at the corner of meeting or exchanged during a seminar. Or maybe they just appeared by magic in one of our servers? At any rate the name of the painters are sadly lost. If you recognize your work or one of your friends, do not hesitate to let us know. Thank you in advance!

    The Aurillac training is full, but there is still some spots for Nice in June and Berlin in July.

    The next expedition will take place the week after March 23rd. Then, a month break, because I will be abroad for a series of figostage.


    It is few days now I sent a batch of envelop of DVD and the first feedbacks start to show over the internet:

    In French:




    In English:


    Last news, the webzine Fanfig is ready, and will have the luxury to have a figoletter of its own when it will launch online.

    Finally, if I show nothing personal (or not that much) it is because I spent a month on a new big boy, and I will need at least that much longer before being done ;)

    Figurinely yours,


    PS: remember to subscribe to the RSS feed, Facebook and Twitter… and the newsletter ;=)

  2. jeremiebt Member

    Hi there, miniaturenauts!
    A quick and fast bit of news to let you know of two new entries in the Figone catalog.

    Origen Miniature has just added a new pearl by Pedro Fernandez Ramos: an extremely elegant and subtle scuplt of a vampire, Dacso, as only he has the secret of sculpting.



    Scale 75, after the success of their NMM - silver set, enlarges their line with a set for NMM - gold.

    You can find both of these new releases on the http://www.figone.fr/en/ website, while waiting for the next batch of releases which are in the pipeline.

    New pictures have been added in the reader gallery : http://www.figone.fr/peintres/

    Jérémie, currently in the middle of painting an oriental-style adventuress...
  3. Mirofsoft A Fixture


    for info : Resin, 32mm
  4. Nap Moderator

    Absolutely amazing stuff ..fantastic painting and drawings as well ...thanks for sharing

  5. jeremiebt Member

    Hi ;)
    Here are some picture of my unpainted miniature for Adepticon
    Comments are welcome ;)




  6. jeremiebt Member

    Hi !
    Thanks for the so nice messags !
    Here are some pictures of the painted mini. I hop you’ll love it ;)





    DEL and Meehan34 like this.
  7. Meehan34 A Fixture

    congrats on the crystal brush sir, well deserved.
  8. Mirofsoft A Fixture

  9. housecarl Moderator

    I'll second that.
    Meehan34 likes this.
  10. DEL A Fixture

    Stunning and very clever. So much detail, I particularly like the 'napoleonic' uniform references.
  11. jeremiebt Member

    Hello everybody,
    I spent around 200 hours on this mini, i am happy you like it ;)

    First of all, we would like to apologise for the difficulties with our last newsletter but it was out of our hands. We think that we have solved the problem (thanks to David) and we’ll find out soon enough with this mailing ;)

    This month there are no less than 25 new additions to the FIGONE catalogue.

    While there is space in the stock room (garage) and as long as people keep sculpting such magnificent figures I will keep adding these beauties to the shop.

    We start with the FIGONE range, with Christian Hardy’s sublime oriental princess called Lharm Shéod.



    Three other satiric miniatures join the catalogue.





    From now until the end of summer, we will be unveiling three more figures which have formed between his talented fingers. In the meantime, Allan Carrasco has had a go at a hippopotamus while Raul Latorre has been playing around with a potbellied knight.

    You’ll just have to wait and see...

    Mantis Miniatures is now part of our catalogue with 14 animal kits! At first I was getting them just for myself then I thought that others would like them too so I’ve stocked up from this Polish producer.

    Christian Hardy (yes, him again) has completed two pieces for Wonderlands Project. I’ve taken the opportunity to take on part of their catalogue so there are 5 new figures available from FIGONE.

    The FanFig webzine (www.atorgael.com/fanfig) is looking for contributors! So, if you feel you have the soul of figurine artist supplemented with a little writer’s flair, get in touch.
    The next shipping dates will be 2 and 14 of may.

    (Current shipping dates can always be found on the FIGONE website)

    Soon we will be announcing another new arrival... Black Forest Miniature, currently being moulded with care.

    So, you think you know how to paint? If you do, come and share - http://www.figone.fr/peintres/

    Finally, the FIGONE website is seeking someone with Wordpress experience to help out in exchange for fresh resin...

    All this news and more is at www.figone.fr

    Figurinistically yours,

    Subscribe the newsletter here
  12. Mirofsoft A Fixture


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