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Fighting Cossack ("Scorpio Models", 1/10)

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Martin Antonenko, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you for your Kind words, Borek!!!


    63, Day, February 14, 2017

    Kubanka fixed today to my Cossack...:














  2. Nap Moderator


    That looks even better with the head and cap on , all the shadows and highs of the face really come alive now

    Between you and Marquismini threads I am ( for once in my life!!) getting lost for words


  3. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you, Nap!!! (y)


    Day 64, February 15, 2017

    The last part of my Cossack which still awaits the completion is carefully packed agains damage in the cardboard box of Markus ...


    ...is the right hand with the saber ...:


    As usual the part is cleaned ...



    ... washed and primed ...:



    Then with acrylic paints the hand is underpainted ...:


    napoleonpeart likes this.
  4. stoffy01 PlanetFigure Supporter

    Hi Martin,
    That's some crazy detail going on with the bust, great work and nice seeing it unfold through your updates.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
    Martin Rohmann and napoleonpeart like this.
  5. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Tank you very much, Chris!


    65. Day, February 16, 2017
    Before I start to paint my hand with oil,s I first look at what is happening on a clenched fist - and this is not a little ...:
    The colors I take for the hand are the same ones that have been applied to the face - but as hands are usually a little bit darker than the face skin, I will realize this also in the painting ...:
    So - here the upper part of the hand - a first step, only to be refined tomorrow ...:





    The whole thing still shines a bit - has just been finished ...
    napoleonpeart and billyturnip like this.
  6. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    66. Day, February 17, 2017

    Today I have painted ready the top of the hand!

    And when I was almost finished I thought of something: Most men have on the back of their Hands more or less strong hair ...:


    And when I painted a beard shadow to my Cossack, I must actually show the hair on his hands, too!

    Said and done...:


    napoleonpeart likes this.
  7. Nap Moderator

    Hi Martin

    I see where your going with the hands ..but if I may and it might be the pictures maybe being a little dark but think the hair is too dark and needs to be taken back a bit ..I know some men are more hairy than others !

    Always something interesting to look at here in your SBS

    Thanks for sharing

    clrsgt likes this.
  8. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    You are right Nap - I reworked the Hand...:


    napoleonpeart likes this.
  9. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    67. Day, February 20, 2017

    I sneaked around the reworked hand all the weekend, and I looked at her with doubt. Looks somehow like a concertina, but not like a hand ...:


    And then I decided to paint the paw a third time! There are three reasons for this:

    Firstly, I do not like it like that!
    Secondly, I do not like it like that!
    Thirdly, I do not like it like that!

    First I painted with a thin acrylic skin paint on the oil color surface is a thin "barrier", so I do not smear oil-in-oil!

    Then I got a fist template from the Internet ...


    ... looked exactely on it - and then tried to paint the sale of the handseat as original as possible...:



    I have just finished - and NOW I am satisfied ...:
    billyturnip and napoleonpeart like this.
  10. Nap Moderator

    Hi Martin

    Well done on revisiting the hands. Certainly looks really good now

    Thanks for sharing

    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  11. clrsgt A Fixture

    Well done on the hands Martin. I can never seem to get them right. This has been an excellent SBS which I intend to use as a guide when I do my own version.
    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  12. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thx! Hope, we can see your version also here...

  13. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    68. Day, February 21, 2017

    Today I painted the lower part of the hand.

    Went something less trouble than the other part.

    A word still to the fingernails:You can see at figures that the nails are painted often much brighter than the skin tones of the hand, sometimes almost white (or ivory).

    But if you look at such a Hand more accurately, then it is noticeable that the nails (which are essentially transparent) usually have the same color as the rest of the skin ...:


    And this way I painted them - to pollute them a bit, I could not resist ...:


    Joe55, napoleonpeart and billyturnip like this.
  14. Joe55 A Fixture

    Looking pretty good overall Martin.

    I think perhaps when we paint part of a figure as a separate piece that we forget it is a part of a whole. As a result the light direction is off when we place the piece on the figure or there may be too much/not enough contrast between lights and darks. I have learned to position the piece where it goes and take note of the lighting so that I can apply light and shadow accordingly.

    I thought maybe that is what you struggled with. I also hope my thoughts are understandable and helpful to you. Whatever the case your little Cossack is turning out to be another gem (y)!

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  15. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you very much Joe!!! (y)
  16. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    69. Day, February 22, 2017

    I have just painted the saber handle that our friend holds in his fist!

    For the saber it's the same, what I have already said about "Onik" (belt) and "Kindjal" (dagger):The things were usually decorated with very beautiful silver fittings, mostly very old and family heirlooms ...:


    Such a saber is called "Sashka" (or "Shashka").

    Here again a close shot of a Saschka handle with silver fittings...:


    I have again taken my now tried and tested mixture of "Silver Ink" and "German Gray" to imitate the silver fittings that worked out by Markus so good...:


    And so it has become ...:







    Well now, nothing will happen here on the workbench until next week, because I get a visit, which I am very pleased looking forward to, and because of that there will no time for other things like painting ...

    We'll meet again here next week!
    napoleonpeart and billyturnip like this.
  17. Nap Moderator

    Lovely work on the handle

    Enjoy the visit and the weekend

    Look forward to next weeks instalments

    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  18. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    70. Day, March 6, 2017
    After the last week, more or less permanently and heavily misty in bed, I wanted today something to paint again!
    The turn of the cossack is now the saber blade - the only part still awaiting color. I started with the lower part, which will hardly be visible later ...
    Before that, I've been thinking intensively about how I look the bluish to violet shimmer, the polished steel has now and which can be seen in the next picture well ...:
    I am committed to add a very small portion "Paynesgrey" to my "Silver Ink", which has a slightly violet hue ...:
    With pure "Paynesgrey" I also painted the deep shadows of the" Blood rin" of the saber.
    The cutting edge was then painted exclusively with pure "Silver Ink".
    There is a very nice color "game" on the blade ...:


    napoleonpeart and V.Martin like this.
  19. Nap Moderator


    Thst sabre looks great , hope your feeling less misty now

    Thanks for sharing

    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  20. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    71. Day, March 7, 2017

    Last step on the first side ob the saber blade:

    Two very thin paintinge with "Gloss Varnish"...:



    Joe55 and napoleonpeart like this.

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