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Fighting Cossack ("Scorpio Models", 1/10)

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Martin Antonenko, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you, Joe and Nap!!!


    52. Day, January 30, 2017

    Outdoors ist raining cats and Dogs - ideal model building weather, so ...!
    Let us now come to a fitting detail of our Cossack, which at the same time was a weapon and part of the Circassian costume:


    The Kindjal (or Kindschal) ...:


    The "Kindjal" was a dagger sharpened on both sides with a very sharp tip, which a Caucasian mountaineer always carried with him!


    Even the Caucasian Cossacks, who had taken over the trappings and the fighting from their opponents, seldom came out unarmed.

    The weapon itself as well as its name originally comes from Persia.
    "Kindjals" was available in different versions, long, short, wide and narrow variants ...:


    In general it can be said that the blade length varied between 30 and 60 centimeters.

    The "Kindjal" was a feared melee weapon - and despite its created tip was mostly used as a bat weapon.Among the mountaineers it was a taint to kill with the peak!

    The next picture shows the storm on a Caucasian Aul (= mountain village) during the Russian conquest wars in the 18th century.

    Several Caucasians are to be seen in the picture, who have pocketed their sabers and instead pulled their Kindjals and are just passing to the close combat against the Russian infantrymen ...:


    As a mountain resident - and also a Caucasian Cossack! - his arms were his favorite and most important, "Kindjals" almost always exhibited magnificent ornaments and silver fittings.

    Like the silver-studded belts, these were mostly heirlooms that were handed over by the father to the eldest son.

    I had selected Markus to sculpt this model ...:


    And he has reproduced this Kindjal wonderfully!


    My copy is applied both on the front and on the barely visible back.
    So I just cleaned the dagger and primed it with pure black...



    ... and then the black - leather - related - part of the wicker sheath.

    Then oil Colors were used!

    And since "black" is not equal to "black", I have again blended another color, in this case blue ...:


    Lights and shadows have I set so that they correspond to the angle in which our hero will wear the Kindjal later at his belt.

    On the small photo montage one sees the difference, I mean, quite well - as well as the "blue" black ...:
    Borek, napoleonpeart and billyturnip like this.
  2. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    53. Day, January 31, 2017

    With "Silver Ink" and afterwards "German Grey"...


    ...I have just painted ready the backside of the Kingjal dagger...:

    Borek, napoleonpeart and billyturnip like this.
  3. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    54. Day, February 1, 2017

    Today I have mounted the Kindjal dagger to the figure - again with two component glue.

    Generally, one can fix that dagger wherever one want to the belt, but as you know I build after a special template...


    ...so I have fixet it at the smae place.

    After that, I painted the parts of the scabbard with black leather - first with Arcryls and then with oils...:


    Now my Cossack looks like this...:





    Borek, napoleonpeart and billyturnip like this.
  4. Nap Moderator

    Superb work on that dagger Martin

    Thanks for sharing

    Borek and Martin Rohmann like this.
  5. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you Nap!


    55. Day, February 2, 2017

    Kindjal dagger ready!









    Borek likes this.
  6. billyturnip A Fixture

    Looking very good Martin. (y)
    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  7. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thanks Roger!

    billyturnip likes this.
  8. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    56. Day, February 3, 2017

    Actually, I was planning today to start with the saber scabbard of my Cossack.
    It can be attached to the figure after the painting at the figure, as Markus made it ...:


    However, I follow again my template...


    ... and want to attach the scabbard to a small leather hanger on the "Onik" belt.

    As a rule, this was a simple leather loop - more or less decorated ...:


    Normally I make such leather straps from stanniol paper (for example, the one to be found at the neck of champagne bottles) - but in this case I have some of my decorative straps left (which Markus had doubled my kit)


    A quarter of an hour under a spotlight makes the resin-things beautifully soft, so I can bend it as I need it ...:


    Then they were primed and - after drying the primer - mounted ...:



    On the last piece, that I had left, I then made buckle and thorn (from solder) and an eyelet (made of tinfoil paper) ...


    ... and mounted the little thing at the saber hanger. And I have made sure to show "movement" again ...:




    If the gluing is firm, I will prime this part with the brush - I am afraid that it will fly away from the spray can and never be seen again ...

    So much for today.
  9. Nap Moderator

    Detail , detail and more details ...

    Love it

  10. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thanks Nap!

    Nice Reviews on "Scorpio" figures!

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  11. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    57. Day, February 6, 2017

    Started today with painting the leather of the sabre straps...:



    Borek, Ferris and Joe55 like this.
  12. Joe55 A Fixture

    Little by little all the details will come out. Looking good there Martin (y)!

  13. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you, Joe! (y)


    58. Day, February 7, 2017

    Silver fittings at the leather straps are even ready!



    Borek, Ferris and arj like this.
  14. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    59. Day, February 8, 2017

    Now I start with the saber scabbard!

    This part Comes as a fragment - just right for a bust.

    These saber scabbards had a leather-related part (mostly black, but other colors were also present, for example red). The mouthpiece and the other fittings were silver - and richly decorated, as with my template...:


    Here, too, there were mostly heirlooms.

    Such a Cossack sabre was called "Shaschka" (or "Saschka") and really good copies are (for me) hardly to pay ...!

    A peculiarity of the Caucasian "Shashka" was that the handle in the scabbard disappeared and only the knob stood out ...:


    Today I made the inside of the sabescabbard- which I would not be able to reach later, after mounting.

    First step - cleaning and washing ...:


    Second step - Primer ...:


    Third step - underpainting of the leather-covered part with acrylic black ...:


    Fourth step - painting the leather part with oils (ivory black with Ultramarin Deep and white) ...:


    Fifth Step - painting the mouthpiece with "Silver Ink" ...:


    Last step - highlighting the chisels with very thin "German Grey" (acrylic) ...:


    So much for today.
    Borek and napoleonpeart like this.
  15. tonydawe A Fixture

    Such a wonderfully detailed SBS Martin.
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  16. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you, Tony! :)


    60. Day, February 9, 2017

    Today, the Saber scabbard is mounted on the figure.

    But stop!

    Previously, I quickly painted with this oils...

    [Url = http: //abload.de/image.php? Img = 52_14u3q79.jpg] https://abload.de/img/52_14u3q79.jpg [/ img] [/ url]

    ...the black leather covered part of the scabbard ...:



    Sure, I could have done it after the assembly "on the man" - but it only needs to clean the veneer some gentle pressure with the brush, and the risk of something (again) break, was is simply too big for me!

    A small but important detail must be observed during the assembly of the saber scabbard!

    The style of wear of the saber, which was customary in Western Europe, looked like this:



    In Russia it was different!
    Since the "Russification" of the uniforms during the reign of Zar Aleksandr III. in Russia the saber was carried in "Russian" or "Slavic" style - namely the other way around ...:




    Even the Cossacks did like this...:




    So I have attached the Saber scabbard now in "Russian way" - the thing actually hangs only on the belts provided for it!

    Well, not quite:
    At the bottom of the wooden base I have made is a second discreet glue point for the necessary strength ...:





    billyturnip, Ferris and napoleonpeart like this.
  17. Nap Moderator

    Hi Martin

    Yet again the detail is great , I learnt something about the Russian sword hanging

    This SBS is an absolute MUST as a reference

    Have you any thoughts on the actual nameplate yet?

    Would also like to see how Marcus is getting on with his version as well

  18. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Thank you for your Kind words, Nap!!!


    61. Day, February 10, 2017

    Sabre scabbard ready!





    Borek and napoleonpeart like this.
  19. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    62. Day, February 13, 2017

    Since about 20 minutes my Kosak is no longer headless ...:




    What can I say?

    I like this guy more and more every day ...!
    billyturnip, Borek and napoleonpeart like this.
  20. Borek A Fixture

    Hello Martin. I must say - this is an AMAZING thread. Perfect preparation, overwhelming number of detailed documentation, great and detailed sbs, and a lot of new information for me, too (about Gaziri, for example). Amazing work and lots of time for such spectacular presentation. Thank you very much for sharing and you continue in your wonderful work.

    Cheers Borek;)

    P.S. What got me indeed, it's sticky mustache :)
    napoleonpeart likes this.

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