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Fallschirmjäger, 1944 (1/16 - 1/35 - 1/48 - 1/72) by EISERNES KREUZ

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by ANDREA EUROPE, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. newtonk Well-Known Member

    Hello Andrea Europe,

    You ask for thoughts on your figure lineup, how about a new figure to compliment an existing figure? That is, a pair of similar themed soldiers, or tankers, or whatever. That way there is the possibility of a vignette, or inter-changeable arms, to build a small scene. Myself, I like the figures, but find them too expensive.

  2. ranchhand Active Member


    this has to be one of the most ignorant quotes i have seen on planet figure.
    an artist is not his tools, I dont think these are scans but even if they where do you know how much work it takes to make a scan presentable? do you really think its scan then print and you are done? if anything a scan is merely the start of a sculpting project. If sculpting with computer software is not being an artist then you better go tell Raul Garcia Latorre he is no longer an artist. Maybe people using sculpey are no longer artists, since they are not using clay?
    If you dont grind your own pigments and add binder to make paint then you are no longer an artist?
    an artist is not his tools.
    Martin Rohmann and newtonk like this.
  3. bonehead A Fixture


    I have been a professional sculptor for over 30 years. It has been my only job over that time. I know what is involved in digital sculpting as I have several friends trying to push me in that direction and have watched many tutorials in the past few years. But these figures were not created that way. They were scanned from models wearing the uniform. This takes technical skill, but not artistic skill. Raul Latorre is an old friend of mine. Nowhere did I make a suggestion that he is not an artist. That was all you.

    People that use Sculpey ARE using clay. I am one of them. I also sculpt with clay, epoxy putty and even sculpted a head with a kneaded eraser at one time.

    I recognize Zbrush as just another sculpting tool. But these figures were not created in Zbrush! Touched up, no doubt, but not created with a sculpting program. Sorry, but your suggestion that I am ignorant and do not know what I am talking about is off the mark. Just ask others here on Planet Figure that know me....

    Mike Good

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