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Euro Militaire, Folkestone, 20th & 21st September 2014

Discussion in 'Figure Shows, Workshops and Events' started by Tommys War, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. MrBMB A Fixture

    What company makes that
    Looks lifelike
  2. kaz6120 A Fixture

    I REALLY miss EuroMilitaire when Euro week comes. I wish I could go but I cannot this year.

    Some of my Japanese modeller friends will attend for the first time this year, Tamaki Maekawa, Norio Takemura.
    They are great modellers and nice people.
    Please say hello to them when you see them at Leas Cliff Hall, everyone!

    Have a nice weekend all pF members at Folkstone!
    Don likes this.
  3. amcairns A Fixture

    Please send pics.
  4. BarrieHynd Well-Known Member

    Just waiting to get in.

    kaz6120 likes this.
  5. Iguazzu A Fixture

    Hi mates! I'm here at Euro again! It's a pleasure to stay here again. Oh! All the pieces that I've entry in the contest are for sale, so if anyone are interested looking for me ;)
  6. Pekka Active Member

    Kaz, here are Tamaki and Norio from Southcliff bar saying hello
  7. kaz6120 A Fixture

    Yeees! (y)(y)(y) Thanks a lot Pekka, for saying hello to my Japanese modeller friends! :)

    I wish I were there again, maybe near future.
  8. BarrieHynd Well-Known Member

    Well, that's it for another year. Nice to meet old friends and make new ones also. For those of you I missed I'm sorry but I'm sure to meet you next year. Great time over the weekend with lots on offer from the traders and plenty of top quality work on display on the main floor and competition room. Couldn't pick a favourite. Took pictures but won't have access to pc until I get home later in the week.

    Waterman and napoleonpeart like this.
  9. MalcC A Fixture

    I've got to say that I had one of the most enjoyable Euro's ever, even though the numbers may have down.
    It was great to catch up with old friends and make news ones. I got to meet Del and Barrie, which was on my priority list.
    Pleased with all my purchases, there were some great new releases. The Napster would have had a field day, Kev such a shame you couldn't make it.
    But then again SWMBO would've killed you, when you tried to sneak in all those purchases.:LOL:
    And yes Kev, you can now purchase your Scale 75 paint individually.(y)
    I've got today to chill out and relax, but I did spent a few hours at my bench doing a bit of work.

    Shame i have to go back to work tomorrow, I'd rather be painting.
    Shall we start a thread for Euro 2015 now?:)

    brian and napoleonpeart like this.
  10. BarrieHynd Well-Known Member

    It was good to meet you Malc, that was also one of my priorities. Totally agree that Nap would have had a great time, intact I think he would have been in "bust heaven" lol.
    Start the Euro 2015 thread now! Thought it might be a bit early but, most of us have probably started making plans for next year, why not lol.

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  11. Nap Moderator

    Hi Malc ,

    Glad everyone had a good time ...and YES I am so miffed I didn't get there but its the 30th anniversary I believe next year so ....Folkstone look out lock up any busts (Oooooerrr vicar)

    Managed to sneak a"few" in though ...still drooling at what I missed .......checking all sites !!!

    Save me a seat next year Malc ...selling my entire body over the next couple of months ...and yes there is enough of it !!!!

    Thanks to those that kindly posted pictures ..loved them ..what was BOS?


    PS I have been painting as much as possible .....being at Euro in spirit
  12. garyhiggins A Fixture

    Save me a seat next year Malc ...selling my entire body over the next couple of months ...and yes there is enough of it !!!!

    So what are you going to do for the other 19/6d, let alone all the other £££££££££££'s required?:woot:
    I'm going to start saving now!
    MalcC and napoleonpeart like this.

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