A Fixture
Two poached eggs on toast on Saturday morning and only one poached egg on the Sunday but twice as much toast! when it eventually arrived and overcooked!

Well at Mondays breakfast they did not have real glases for the juice, they had disposable glases that clearly had been washed?
Janne Nilsson
Just to point out guys, several here seem to be assuming that the organisers make a profit. I've been told on good authority (and I've no reason to disbelieve them) that Euro barely breaks-even.
The why's and wherefores and what ifs can go forever, but I think its a myth that there are huge funds to be made from holding model shows.
Bang on about Sunday Steve. Glad it wasn't just us lol ! Wife waited 35 mins for her brekkie and when it arrived it was stone cold. She just left it and walked out. I just wanted a croissant so I was OKIf this is the best that Folkestone has to offer then its got problems. The town itself was also dead on Saturday night - as was the Clifton and that is the place where most used to meet up for a few.