Euro 2015 - and RP Models


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Actually I found out tonight that the company running the show bought it over for profit (I agree you can't do it for love) - but £10 is too much - the venue may be expensive - Euro is so well established - move venues. So the company running the show is charging exhorbitant prices for traders tables and entry. The reason there are less UK traders is because they have been priced out of the show - more and more Contoinetal dealers are coming along - that is fine but the Brit Dealers cannot make it because of the cost. Telford is much better value for money. I hope more an more figure dealers attend.
As a UK trader I think I can say it is not so much the cost of attending but the actual venue itself, 1) you have to reverse down the cliff side 2) only one vehicle at a time can use the ramp/reverse down which means it is a bun fight especially on the Sunday when everybody want to get away as soon as possible. I could continue but won't.

As for ticket price, being a large show this is on par with others here in the UK, Salute I believe is £14 for a one day show, IPMS Nationals is £10 a day or there abouts unless you are a member and unless you are a member you can't enter the comp...
Thanks Malc - I'm not going next year

And to be just as blunt - if you don't want to read my thread don't!
No I didn't need to read your thread, but you were slamming something that myself and many other care about "Euro"
and why, because you want to start your own show, and try and make folk go there instead.
Good luck with that.


I am being polite -

I am/was not slamming the show I was expressing my opinion and so far as I am aware that is one of the aspects about this forum. This thread has generated mixed feelings.

I am not looking to start my own show - I am putting feelers out to research the possibilities.

If I were to succeed in getting a show off the ground it would be up to whomever to visit whether entrants, traders or punters.

Your points are valid - but the way you are expressing them is becoming rude.

You care about Euro - great - if another show were in the offing would you attend? It depends doesn't it? Depends on a lot of things....but you cannot fully say no I won't attend - especially if all the same people attnended who attend Euro...And then if the show were as good as Euro but better priced would you care about it?

Good questions aren't they.

Malc - lets keep this civil - if you don't like what I write don't read - these forums are for debate and as I said there is mixed feelings here - the end result is most are saying "better the devil you know than the devil you dont" - We shall see - it will all come out in the wash. However there are some like me who were disappointed - this year was not as bad as last year but IMHO - the show is dwindling and I feel that is because of a few mitigating circumstances - over priced, less show entrants, antiquated venue amongst others.

You of course are allowed to champion the event - I am allowed to criticise it - why can I criticise it? Because I paid my money to gain entry.
Okay everyone has their views like Malc I will defend Euro to the last .....I loved the show opinion

But ......

Please do share your thoughts on organising another show , how you have/are getting on responses ..after all we all might benefit and put ideas in...but do it in a new thread .


I appreciate your comments - I have to research the show idea but believe me if I get the venue and the traders it will end up being pretty cool in the South of the UK.
Not managed to get over to Euro yet, but sure hope it survives until I finally do. I'm sure it will, as the Euro 'brand' seems very strong. How much I would love to pay that £10 entry fee....!
(A rather trivial amount on the grand total cost of attending in my view).

Great to hear there may be another cool figure show nearby as well! looking forward to details and expected entrance fee.

Well if you travel long for several days the fee isnt a big deal.
If you only stay one night, the standard of the hotels isnt such big deal.

I often see two different kinds of modellers. Those that think everything should be as cheap as possible, and those that are willing to pay more for more comfort etc.

Janne Nilsson
Same here, Jeff!

I think its because we have better economy, we already have an enormous stash and getting older and more comfortable.
Same with the reason for shows, first you got there to win prizes and shop. Now you go for a good time meeting friends and enjoy food and dring.

Of course you still shop, and hopefully win prizes but thats not the main reason for going any longer.

Janne Nilsson
I know you can only judge me by my posts - beleive me I prefer quality over quantity - many of you have got pleasure from Euro - we all have opinions - the main argument is that Euro is the only game in town...should that change and we have something else to compare then there might be a change of opinion.

In my opinion Euro is over priced on many levels. I get better value for money from Hornchurch, Milton Keynes and Telford.
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