Jim Patrick
Active Member
This thread is causing me to lose the will to live.If Geoffrey is aware of the problems and willing to comment on the situation = Good.If he doesn't = we're on to plums.End of story.
I can't see EM going away. EVER! It's just too established. With that said, even established shows need to step back and take a critical look at themselves from time to time. This many people voicing their opinions/ displeasure cannot be simply discounted. I am not saying EM has to revamp the judging style but it sounds like a little more conssistency could be in order.
Having judges not competing can be a very bad thing. No judges competing = less entries of a higher standard. A solution is to have an alternate judge on the team (or a designated alternate) who steps in when a judges entry is being judged.
Hopefully this forum, as well as others, can get things moving in the right direction. If nothing else? Look at this thread as an example. Civil adults sitting down, voicing their opinions on what can be percieved as a "Hot Topic". Disagreements? Sure. But look at the way it was handled. Again, hopefully this doesn't end here (not on this thread) but the conversation continues at club meetings, organazation meetings, coffee tables, hell, even pubs! Nothing will ever change when friends sit and whisper amongst themselves. Change can only take place when people openly discuss their differences as ADULTS. This thread is a "case in point".
Jim Patrick