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Enamel varnish over oils?

Discussion in 'Oils' started by Dolf, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. Dolf Well-Known Member

  2. grasshopper A Fixture

    It’s actually been discontinued...was some in the box set I sent..
  3. grasshopper A Fixture

    Megilp is also a name they use..and if you look at the photo of the tube it says malbutter..megilp, malbutter all terms for drying agents in oils...as applies to miniatures everyone has their own approach..right now I have a drying cabinet from the US Micromark distributor ..a luxury but very cool with temp control, timing, fan and little shelves like a tiny oven. Total extravagance...
  4. grasshopper A Fixture

    Exactly...technique is the key..and unless you changed brands, W&N is your go to...so nothing super magic beyond decent artist quality materials, and technique...which comes with just doing it until it works
  5. Dolf Well-Known Member


    Ok thanks.

    Still no news...


  6. Dolf Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot "yellowcat"!
    I'm saving the direct link to this thread on my browser, for future reference, and in the meantime I'm analyzing your charts and trying to understand the whole thing (y)


  7. Dolf Well-Known Member

    "...which comes with just doing it until it work"

    Guess we have to make errors & mistakes in order to achieve some results. As in life in general.

    I feel that acknowledging there is an issue, which can be improved over time, with lots of practicing, it's one of the first steps in order to... improve.
    I believe I'm learning from the process and asking these questions to far more knowleageable people helps with the answers (even if each one not exactly the same as another, there are quite some different opinions from well known PF Forum here) supplied.

    That leads to more practicing and testing new ways & methods, and tools.


  8. grasshopper A Fixture

    No idea where the box went..was some $700 in mussini oils with shipping all I had..and would have cost another $100 on top for it to be returned ...didn’t want to sink $200 into the shipping..so, am guessing customs, pilferage..I never heard anything and was to have arrived in a week...months ago..but then we have been thru strikes and labour troubles with our post, so...sucks they disappeared..we both lost
    Dolf likes this.
  9. Dolf Well-Known Member

    "so, am guessing customs, pilferage.."

    That's what I'm guessing too. :(

    "I never heard anything and was to have arrived in a week...months ago.."

    IDK what's happening on various Post Offices worldwide, but it would seem that recently there have been issues with them!

    It's been over two months I've been waiting for a parcel from Belgium (a couple of busts bought to a fellow PF Forum member here on the Market & Commissions), shipped there by the end of October... 2018, and still no news whatsoever!

    "but then we have been thru strikes and labour troubles with our post, so...sucks they disappeared.."

    There have been strikes on Belgian PO as well, not here that I'm aware of.

    But why do things "disappear"/"get lost" when/during strikes?!... Is there a relation, a cause > consequence effect? I don't seem to find one, but who knows?

    Within the EU, over two months it's far too long! It would seem that something happened to that parcel!
    My only hope now is that somehow it will be returned to the sender. Maybe there was some slight mistake on the address, maybe not but something that went wrong.

    One thing I've been learning with these recent incidents with shipping from at least these two locations, Canada and Belgium, which never ever happened once during the many years I was into Phaleristics, and ordered stuff, some quite valuable, from all over the world, including from former "communist" Mongolia (capital: Ulaanbaatar) and China, most of the time by Registered mail, but often times not necessarily, and never ever lost one parcel in transit!

    Recently it happens twice! I'll never again order/get anything from abroad not Registered, with a tracking number that we can trace online. That's the only way I ship my own stuff from my site, only and always by Registered mail, with a tracking number one can follow online, on the various countries POs websites, or private companies (UPS, DHL, Chronopost, etc) when it's the case. It's right away an assurance, for both the sender and the receiver, that the parcel was indeed shipped, and then in case something would happen, wrong destination, whatever, one can always knows its whereabouts, and recover it sooner or later. This almost totally excludes losing parcels in transit, as we can follow its path all the time as it moves from point A to B to C, etc until it reaches its destination.

    I realize that nowadays (only on the last 5 years or so) many things may have changed to the worst, sadly... Others, luckily, have changed to the better... Balance is the key I guess...


  10. Dolf Well-Known Member

    "It's been over two months I've been waiting for a parcel from Belgium (a couple of busts bought to a fellow PF Forum member here on the Market & Commissions), shipped there by the end of October... 2018, and still no news whatsoever!"

    Correction and update on this.

    In fact the couple of busts weren't shipped by the end of October as I previously say, but on November 29.
    So as I finally received my package from Belgium today (Hurrah!), it took it almost two months to arrive here! I mean, I'm in Portugal, not on the Moon or Mars, so both countries being on the EU, being almost neighbors if compared to more far away countries as the USA, or Canada, etc, it really took a very long time to arrive here!

    Perfect like professional packaging by our PF Forum fellow member, after a first checking everything seems to be in perfect conditions. Thank you very much mate!

    "No idea where the box went.."

    If not mistaken you told me you shipped it sometime in October, right?

    So if a not too large (a bit less than 1Kg) parcel from Belgium, just next door, took almost 2 months to arrive here, yours, from much farther away, and from your description certainly larger and heavier, maybe coming by ship, could still be on its way and arrive one of these days, who knows?
    If only I had some ID number to work with, it would be easy to locate it, but without a valid tracking number... hope is all it remains...


  11. Jambrdly Member

    Copic makes pens that are .05 mm and .03 mm at the nib. They come in black or brown (possibly more). You can get them on Amazon.
    Dolf likes this.
  12. Dolf Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much Jambrdly, and welcome to PF (y)

    First time I hear about these Copic markers. Checked their site, apparently there are a couple of different types (100, 110...) . Which ones would you advise for writting over oils?


  13. grasshopper A Fixture

    Dolf..returned to sender this morning..the lost box..so can attest to fact I did indeed mail you the paints..if you are still interested, revert with address via pm..
  14. Dolf Well-Known Member


    PM sent.

    Amazing indeed!


  15. Ronaldo A Fixture

    Dulcot will matt down some oils and not others , it can be a bit hit and miss , if the paint finish is especially shiny they don't tend to work.
    When they do they can totally kill the paint and leave a very dirty looking paint job .

    A lot of the time it is to do with the prep and undercoat you use. the specific oil colour , quality of the pigment etc , liquin will make things shine , a little turps sub added to the paint will help matt things up.
    I find that Tamiya spray cans IE primer and there colours don't sit well with oils , yet there paints in jars applied with an air brush produce good results for undercoating on top of Halfords primer .
    Scale 75 and Andrea provide a decent under coat which helps things go matt .

    All said and done if you want total matt then its Acrylics but only certain ones .
    Nap and Dolf like this.
  16. Dolf Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for the valuable hints, Ronaldo, appreciate it (y)


  17. socko47 Active Member

    There is a relatively new product by Abteilung 502 called Matt Effect Thinner. Something I have yet to try but saw positive comments.
    https://abteilung502.com for their direct site, but sold from different sources.
    Dolf likes this.
  18. Dolf Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot Joe (y)

    I believe someone else mentioned that Abteilung 502 thinner before.

    It's a thinner though, not a medium. I also don't know if it works with oils, or if it's for acrylics, will have to check that.


  19. grasshopper A Fixture

    It’s for oils..an odourless thinner with added driers..No better or worse than other stuff...the abteilung line is an oil aspect of AK interactive..Spanish acrylic brand..the Abteilung 502 is first for weathering..but can be used more broad;y..one of the members posted a review on their flesh set, their leather and wood...some of the colours line up with artist colours..burnt umber etc..but no pigment info available. From my playing with it, it’s fine grind..but not very saturated colours...so less effective as a mixing palette..and dries to slight sheen..fairly quickly tho...suggesting there is a good measure of stuff added..it’s low oil tho...and all are opaque..
    patmaquette and Nap like this.
  20. grasshopper A Fixture

    Do;f..just leave this stuff and learn to apply thin layers..forget all this other junk as it’s only wasting your time..get painting and develop brush application skills. There is no magic additive, ingredient..no replacement for time and effort..get five or six colours of any brand and just use them..or get to acrylics..
    Nap likes this.

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