Completed Dragoon Regt No 7 1900


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Jul 2, 2023
No point in sitting idle, I'll make a start on the next project. As I have mentioned before I'm popping up in size a bit, not far just to 54mm or 1/32nd if you prefer. I have used a Historex torso and hips as the start of my dolly figure, both much reduced in size and detail. Paper clip wire provides the armatures for the legs and arms so a little closer to scratch built but I'll be using a commercially available head and an adjusted Historex sword, so it is still only a figure conversion.


The figure is based on RJ Marion's artwork in the Allmark book, Lancers and Dragoon, Uniforms of the Imperial German Cavalry 1900-1914 book. A very elegant looking figure in his überrock or Frock Coat, also an interesting shade of blue to try and replicate.

20240211_155724~2.jpg 20240211_155742~2.jpg

The head is currently a Historex piece, just keeping the shoulders warm as I wait for an order fro G & G in Italy to arrive with a few bits and bobs for this and future projects.

Cheers Simon
Oh, big conversion/scratch build. I like. I have dabbled a little in converting a few big scale figures, but never such a large conversion, or this small scale . Following.
Oh, big conversion/scratch build. I like. I have dabbled a little in converting a few big scale figures, but never such a large conversion, or this small scale . Following.

Cheers Henk, he is a little larger than I have done in the past but only just, a conversion it is but more accurately a total rebuild. Glad to have you on board on this one.

Cheers Simon
Hi Simon

Glad the grass isn't growing under you .....lovely subject from a very interesting book

Good start , looking forward to seeing more putty pushing and the colour on the uniform

Enjoy young fella

Happy benchtime

I couldn't grow grass if I tried, that why my back garden has astro turf!

I do like this period of German subjects, we'll see how it all pans out.

Cheers Simon
this is something I never can do ,have no idea how to start that,but it's going be nice when it's done,
have fun (y)

this is something I never can do ,have no idea how to start that,but it's going be nice when it's done,
have fun (y)


Hi Mario, it's something I've taught myself over many years, with failures far out numbering the successes. It will be fun but I'll never say it will all work out does.

Slow down, I'm struggling keeping up. :D
Great start


Hello Malc, if I sit still too long I'm sure to be given jobs to do around the house so it's straight into the next project.

Cheers Simon
I took the opportunity before my little terror tot needs picking up from playgroup. I only do one trouser leg at a time as I know full well I'd bodge it if I tried both at the same time, so left leg is getting there. I have added some bulk to the arms prior to dressing them.properly. the head as I said is just a place saver but I thought while it's there I may as well see if I could use it. I altered the face a little with a scalpel and Greenstuff mixed with Magicsculpt. I'll see how it shapes up and looks once primed.


Cheers Simon
Nigel, Merryweather & Nap, many thanks gentlemen will do more today as I have the terror tot again tomorrow, no chance of getting anything done when she's here. Another current impediment is the cat head butting my hand every time I stop stroking her to type. That's not so bad, as a kitten she used to sleep in the middle of my modelling desk!

Cheers Simon
Your enthusiasm is incredible, it seems that every time I log on here there is a new Briggsy mini to check out.
Slow down man, you're making the rest of us look lazy ;)

Ha sorry about that, with one physical infirmaty or another there isn't much else I can do and I can't just sit and watch TV, plenty of time for that when the kids shove me in an old folks home! Plus if I'm modelling there is less chance thar my wife will give me housework to do.

Cheers Simon
Another interesting subject and well off the starting blocks too. Look forward to watching your progress.

Many thanks Melanie, I'm actually going to try and copy the pose in the art work for this one, not something I often try and do.

Cheers Simon