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Doe any know what this is?

Discussion in 'General Figure Talk' started by silvana, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. silvana New Member

    I found this pic on a Golden Demon Germany 08 site and was wondering which Games Workshop model this is.
    Is it a conversion/modification or a straight build up?

    Attached Files:

  2. Paul Kernan A Fixture


    I am 99% sure this is a heavily converted Space Marine (Warhammer 40,000), especially if it you found it on a Golden Daemon site. Most likely based on a 30mm figure although Games Workshop did have an Inquisitor line where the figures where sized around 54mm (the marines looked more like 65mm).

    I followed Warhammer for years as my sons were growing up. The work is incredible in both sculpting/conversion and painting. Most participants are acrylic painters and the effects they achieve are stunning.
  3. khorgor Member

    looks like a plague marine terminator.

    so most likely from the chaos space marine terminator range. not sure if there is a actual nurgle termie tho - been a while since I looked at GW stuff.

    hope this helps
  4. Einion Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure that's a conversion and not straight from a kit.

    If you ask on CMON I bet someone will know for certain.

  5. silvana New Member

    Thanks! I'm going to thumb through the GW catalog and try some of your suggestions.
  6. Paul Kernan A Fixture

    I agree with Scott conversion based on Chaos marines. Good luck
  7. rosman Member

    well that mini is made by diego esteban perez a guy who lives in madrid it is based in a exterminator space marine, but it is a transformation

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