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Digital sculpting for dummies (written by a dummy)

Discussion in 'Digis - Digital Miniatures 3D Modeling' started by pokrad, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. pokrad A Fixture

    "Run as Administrator" usually helps if security problems are involved. Which OS is installed on the laptop, and what exactly error message says ?
  2. kriltnakran New Member

    I have windows Vista and the message is: "Sculptris exe does not work anymore." It hasn´t even worked, the program did not start already. Have installed and de-installed two times, no function at all. I have no more idea...

  3. pokrad A Fixture

    As I said, try with Admin mode, also You could try XP compatibility mode:


    However, vista is a buggy OS, and If you have "Home" edition, that's even worse...
    Honestly I do not know if it is working on Vista, but I run Sculptris on XP, Win7 32bit and Win7 64bit without any problems.

    Regards !
  4. theBaron A Fixture

    Thanks for posting this thread! I'm thinking of taking the plunge into 3D sculpting, because there are items I'd like for use in dioramas, but they are not available commercially. This thread is useful as a primer for someone starting out.

  5. blaster A Fixture

    Hi All,

    I've just got access to a Flashforge Dreamer 3D Printer. I am really not experienced with digital stuff. Is there any free scans sites that I can use to test out some prints?

  6. Henkm Well-Known Member

    I have no experience at all, but I always see thingiverse come up.
  7. blaster A Fixture

    Hi Henkm

    Thanks. This looks like a very suitable site!

    Rgds Victor

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