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Completed Das Boot

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Steve Ski, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thanks, Mario ans Malc!

    As you may have noticed my rattle can of Dull Coat has faultered a bit. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it can be a pain. I may not have heated up the can enough, but that usually takes care of the slight sheen left behind, and yall know I don't like an unintentional sheen on figures, lol.;)

    Tanks, Guys!
    marco14 likes this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Can only agree ...a cracking Figure addition

    Carry on being awesomeness

    Happy benchtime

  3. Steve Ski A Fixture

  4. 1969 A Fixture

    Great progress with the figures Ski, nice to see some progress again and will look forward to next instalment.
    Steve Ski likes this.
  5. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thanks, Stevo!
  6. Steve Ski A Fixture

    1st Lieutenant is now on Deck

    The third figure to this set is now on the shelf until the final punch list. I see more work needed on the back of the coat, but for the most part, the 1st Lt. is looking ok.

    Since winter prep is taking a lot of time right now, I grabbed an old CD case cover and placed that on top of the figure to keep the dust off, but also to slow down the drying process just a little. I have also placed the figures into the refer, it works the same. My oils go in the freezer after each session, so cold is good for oils.

    Well, I did snap a few in-progress pics, but not from the beginning, oops. At any rate, the process hasn’t changed. Things are looking very glary right now making it sometimes hard to catch all the weak spots.

    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    The final pics for now with Dull Coat and the hair dryer to finish him off until later. I added the bino strap and eliminated the flaps that would normally have been flopping around his neck. I really didn’t see them as necessary and who would miss them anyway?

    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    Ok, off to work Lt. Werner. Thanks for watching and more to follow soon.

    Cheers, Ski.
    sd0324, 1969, Merryweather and 5 others like this.
  7. NigelR A Fixture

    More lovely work Steve, you are getting closer to the finish line.....
    Oda likes this.
  8. MalcC A Fixture

    Love all the graduation work, the colours and tones are spot on.

  9. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Some pretty special painting there, he comes to life with the dullcote, cracking job.

    Cheers Simon
  10. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thank, you, Nigel, greatly appreciated;)

    Thank you, Malc. I'm liking how it's turning out so far.

    Thanks, Briggsy! I agree completely. To me too much detail is lost with a shiny finish. I'm sure there is a technique to combat that issue, maybe more intense contrasting colors, but I think in this instance the Dull Coat is the way to go.
    Briggsy likes this.
  11. Nap Moderator

    Hi Ski

    The latest looks good , all ready for positioning , you can almost hear him cursing the weather !

    Look forward to Lt Werner coming on board

    Happy benchtime

  12. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Hey, Brother, the wind will whip it all into shape, very soon, lol;)
    Nap likes this.
  13. 1969 A Fixture

    Another one down Ski, looks like you are on a roll now and the end is in sight, looking forward to seeing all the figures in situ on the deck.
    Nap and Steve Ski like this.
  14. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thanks, Stevo, working the last two now:D
    1969 likes this.
  15. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Lt. Werner Joins the Crew

    Four down, one to go, as Lt. Werner is now ready for deck duty. This is the last figure wearing the heavy rain coat and hat. The fifth figure, Chief Engineer Fritz, has a life jacket and other clothing, plus goggles. As mentioned earlier while doing the last three figures, nothing has changed in the approach to painting this uniform. Once you’re in the groove, keep it rolling as best as you can.

    I’m not exactly happy with how deep the eye sockets are and I should have addressed that issue long ago. There was room for improvement, I just didn’t do it. I am taking that under advisement, lol.


    A closer look at all the figures together shows a definite blue tone to this particular rain jacket and hat. It was something I tried to address and tone down, so it’s no longer overly pronounced now. He should be good to go. There will usually be a slight variation due to wear and tear and how new a uniform may be compared to any other crew member. Lt. Werner was a guest on board, so his gear was more than likely new, especially being a correspondent for the Reich. I like the tones, personally, so it will remain.

    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    Working in this scale is a lot of fun when painting coats and trousers, especially if there is great definition. The tones just pop when the oils are blended from shadow to highlight, and IMHO, this set is no exception.

    Also, the signal lamp has been painted and weathered, but I have not taken photos of it yet. There’s a few details that need to be addressed, but the lamp will appear in the final photos.

    Lt. Werner has been set aside while I start on Chief Engineer Fritz. Thanks for watching and holler if you see anything that needs to be addressed.

    Cheers, Ski.
    Merryweather, NigelR, Nap and 2 others like this.
  16. sd0324 A Fixture

    You are killing this one. It's going to look fantastic when all assembled on the bridge. Really well done buddy.

    Steve Ski likes this.
  17. Nap Moderator

    Fully agree there Steve ...Ski's rather good at this modelling stuff......liking the way he's painting

    Look forward to seeing more

    Keep rolling

    Have FUN @ the bench

    Oda and Steve Ski like this.
  18. MalcC A Fixture

    Another fantastic addition to the scene. Top notch painting.

    Oda and Steve Ski like this.
  19. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Individually these figures are impressive, can't wait to see how good they'll all be together.

    Cheers Simon
    Oda and Steve Ski like this.
  20. NigelR A Fixture

    More great progress. You must be getting fed up with painting foul weather gear.....(a bit like tartan!).
    Oda and Steve Ski like this.

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