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Dance of Death (again)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kevin, Nov 18, 2018.

  1. Tecumsea PlanetFigure Supporter

    The fact remains "Chrisr" that here is a guy who hasn't received his kit and is getting no response in his requests for it-which means that your "I'm alright" attitude to this is inappropriate in the context of the whole mess.

    Suggest you get off of your pulpit and enter the reality of the situation.....these is so much that you just don't know about this saga.

    peedee, Huw63, mick3272 and 5 others like this.
  2. Tecumsea PlanetFigure Supporter

    As Brian "Smudger" points out this is a small community and the group that you have mentioned are all highly respected-Ian has with this saga lost some credibility (He knows this) and will have to work hard to restore trust in his business. The people that you so vehemently denegrate do not deserve such treatment and your lack of background knowledge unfortunately destroys both your own and the credibility of your post. A few of us in your earlier posts were shaking our heads and saying "If only he knew"

    I admire your military service and willingness to forgive but the fact remains that you were not a victim here and so forgiveness comes easily.

    If you really want to forgive then apologies to Mick, Stu, Tommi and Jo are in order!

    I am happy to correspond with you by PM if you should wish.

    peedee, DEL, Huw63 and 6 others like this.
  3. Martin64 A Fixture

    "Chrisr" is in the know about the background of this affair. Whatever his reasons are to judge former business partners of Ian who just tried to prevent getting their reputation damaged while being drawn into the "Delay of Death" affair - "Chrisr" is entitled to vent his view.
    Nevertheless I absolutely disagree as one of the affected customers. Bragging with combat experience does not make any of your points more valid - you are not the only one who knows how it feels to be shot at and looking at your postings about this matter I would never turn my back on you "Chrisr" not to speak of sharing any trench.
    peedee, Huw63, mick3272 and 2 others like this.
  4. Tommi A Fixture


    Chris !!! ????

    You know nothing at all about this situation and all and your comments are invalid due to your lack of knowledge of the true facts.

    Not purchasing products from the companies named in your previous post is your choice although these people have done nothing wrong apart from being financially ripped off by a certain person, Jo and I have never have had any products to market or sell so you wont have to worry there.

    Before you accuse my wife of ruining Ellies Miniatures business maybe you should ask your good friend Ian Burton for the true version!!! The reputation of the previous said companies and people should not be the subject of slander and malicious gossip of which again you know nothing about the true facts.

    peedee, Martin64, Huw63 and 4 others like this.
  5. Tommi A Fixture

    Also still waiting on missing kit parts for two months after several emails and TXT to eventually being told that they have been sent twice and yet still no parts and then asked for my address again the third time and still no parts. He has had my address for several years as regularly sent me stuff. Still no parts, the kits went in the garbage in the end.

    peedee, Huw63 and smudger1960 like this.
  6. Tommi A Fixture

    Also know of two people that still have not received their DOD after paying for them. This will be approaching 2 years soon from the outset of the DOD project. Obviously acceptable in your eyes but not any one else. I do not know of any other figure manufacture or seller that operates or has ever operated in this manor.

    peedee, Huw63, mick3272 and 1 other person like this.
  7. Joanna Guest

    Ok so having had to set an account up on here way back concerning this sorry matter, seems I am now back concerning the very same issue again. "Chrisr", there is so much I could say and want to say, however I will try and withhold the urge to have digs back at you as you have us.
    What I would say is, you really have NO CLUE what you are talking about at all. I will defend my husband when he has done nothing wrong, as I would anyone I cared about.
    Ian has been horrendous from start to finish, he has lied about Tommi and used any excuse he could find to blame him for delays with the orders. When infact the whole time Ian himself was to blame. He only ever asked for 10 to be cast and 10 were done. IMMEDIATELY. I have all the emails and proof of postage so I know who is lying and who isn't about all of this. We chased him several times asking about the other sets after these 10, and Ian kept using different excuses as to why they weren't to be cast. The one thing is he good at, is excuses. Oh and lies.
    After being contacted numerous times by Ians customers chasing their orders wondering why we were delaying things and weeks of chasing Ian only to be ignored or fobbed off - I decided to come forward and explain the CORRECT facts about it all.

    After doing casting work for Ian for around 2 years and having to continually chase for payment, sometimes even 6 months down the line!! This Dance of Death was always I guess a concern, but we decided against our better judgement to give him the benefit of the doubt. What a mistake. Seems the reason he stalled the project was he didn't have the funds to pay for the casting.

    At no time did we let anyone down at all, the only person who has ever done that and continues to do that is Ian himself. How dare you slander Tommi, myself and others when you know nothing about nothing. Only some far fetched fairy tale you choose to believe.

    This entire incident has been disgusting and seems remains that way. I would suggest until you actually know the CORRECT ACCURATE facts about our involvement in it that you reframe from mentioning our names.

    Thanks to everyone who has defended us on yet again another post about Ians continued BS.

    peedee, Red Five, Martin64 and 4 others like this.
  8. mick3272 A Fixture

    You live in cloud cuckoo, You talk about matters you know nothing about. I can only assume you are so far up his arse that you must have difficulty cleaning your teeth.
    As for not purchasing anything from Mick's Mick's, rest assured you do not need to worry on that score as I would not sell to you under any circumstances.. So you have a nice day in your trench all on your own.
    peedee, Huw63, Tommi and 2 others like this.
  9. Babelfish A Fixture

    "Having fought in a war .... blah blah"

    Admirable Chris. But as others have said, utterly irrelevant to this issue (incidentally, you're not the only military vet on here, we have many).

    Not having ordered the "Dance of Death" I don't have a dog in this fight, but I'm having a hard time trying to work out why you having once been in a war zone should disqualify others who have paid for but not received goods from quite justifiably complaining about it. All very well saying that "shit happens", but I reckon that it's a safe bet that had you not received yours, you'd have wanted to know why and would not have been a happy camper either.

    - Steve
    peedee, Helm, Jeff T and 2 others like this.
  10. Redcap A Fixture

    As succinct and factual a summary on this topic as it gets Steve - + 1.

    peedee, Helm, Huw63 and 1 other person like this.
  11. kevin Active Member

    So a update on this, a friend of mine who is a PF member pick up my kit at this weekends White Rose bash and will forward it on to me. I am grateful for the help and support from fellow PF members who I will not name but they known who they are. Finally I can put an end to this shocking nightmare.
    I like to state that since starting this thread, I have still not received any reply's to my emails or any answers through PF from the person involved and will have to receive my kit by a third party. I also know that there are 5 other outstanding orders and I hope they receive theirs.
    My choice is to never buy a kit again from this person and I leave other people to make their owe choices on the matter.

    peedee, mick3272, Huw63 and 2 others like this.
  12. Tommi A Fixture

    Glad you got sorted and well done to all involved in getting this sorted out for you although yet again it should never have come to this.

    peedee, mick3272 and Huw63 like this.
  13. Nap Moderator


    Totally agree there Tommi on all counts

    peedee, Tommi and Huw63 like this.
  14. Philippe Giege New Member

    Dear PlanetFigure members,
    I have a trade problem with Ian Burton at Ellie’s miniatures.
    Last August, I ordered from him the Dance of Death vignette as well as the 1870 French Zouave.

    Ian initially sent me a parcel with the figures, but due to a problem with the post here in France, the parcel did not reach me and was sent back to Ian in September.
    I got a message from Ian in October, stating that he would send me back the figures.

    Since then, despite numerous emails to Ian, I have had no news from the figures I bought, and no answer from Ian…

    Has anybody else run into the same kind of problem with Ellie’s miniatures?

    Has anyone an idea on how to solve this issue..?

    This unfortunately makes very bad publicity for Ellie’s miniatures…
    All the best,
    Tommi likes this.
  15. Nap Moderator

    Hi Philippe

    Firstly a BIG WELCOME to PF

    There has been many problems encountered by PF members and much said on this very subject which resulted in Ellies being stopped from using PF

    Have you tried contacting him through FB he is "Ian Burton new" ?

    Please snd me a personal message with your full details and I will do all I can to help

    Redcap and peedee like this.
  16. Tommi A Fixture


    Welcome to the forum Phillipe and probably not the best start for you being your first post as a new member.

    To be honest I would be very doubtful that the items were ever sent in the first place as the excuse of problems with the postal service and items getting lost or sent back has been used to many times to make it believable. I would try to get your money back through Paypal and wish you good luck with trying to resolve this issue. (y)

    peedee and Nap like this.
  17. Nap Moderator


    Hi Tommi

    Agree what you said mate ....certainly go the PayPal route like you say

    I will do all I can to help Phillipe (he has sent a PM )

    peedee and Tommi like this.
  18. Tommi A Fixture

    If he has paid through the normal channels goods/ services he will probably have a good case.

    peedee and Nap like this.
  19. HansDig A Fixture

    Paypal might be the party to solve the money-problem but what remains is the frustration of being enthousiastic about an item, ordering it, paying for it and keeping an eye on track&trace only to find out you are not going to get it, despite mails etc.etc.
    So getting your money back is only part of the solution. I've had this experience very recently, not with this vendor but with another who's name I will keep to myself. Ordered some items as a Xmas-gift for a friend. Nothing arrived, mailed the vendor, no reply, mailed again using another email-adress and I got a reply....my earlier mails got stuck in his spambox ( (n) ) but my question "was it send" wasn't answered. He wanted to restore my faith in the company, refunded me the payment and told me I would get the items for free. Sounds oke but I'm not after the money, I wanted the items. Got the money but I'm still waiting for the items...........Does the refund makes me happy ? No, I didn't order money, I ordered a gift for a friend !
    So, as said, money back doesn't relief you from the frustration of not getting what you ordered and what, after all is said, remains is the question......why did the seller not ship the items and why does he not respond to questions. I guess that's what's killing reputations. Mistakes can be made by all of us, we are all human, but not be willing to explain WHY and HOW is what makes a mistake into an issue.Remember, confidence comes by foot but goes by horseback,..
    Tommi, zane666, peedee and 2 others like this.
  20. mick3272 A Fixture

    Hi |Philippe,
    A sorry start for you to join PF. I doubt I can add anything that has not already been said. Your sad story sounds all so familiar.
    If you want his telephone No. to ring him PM me and I will give it to you.
    Tommi, OldTaff, peedee and 1 other person like this.

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