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Dan Daly bust

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by grunt26, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. grunt26 Member

    Hello all,
    While I've been a member here for a good while, here's the 1st piece I ever felt that was nice enough to be shown here. Most of my other work is like this, but I was intimidated to post it!
    On to this one, a 1/9 scale (200mm) resin bust of Sgt. Dan Daly. Put out by The Regimental S-4. Great little piece, an absolute joy to paint!
    Thanks for looking!

  2. Guy A Fixture

    Excellent painting Rod. I hope to see more of your work.
  3. grunt26 Member

    Thanks Guy!

    I'll see how this one goes over, then I'll post some more! As soon as I can figure out how to post actual pictures instead of the links!
    Thanks for looking and the comments!
  4. Brent Fordham New Member

    Good photos, Rod. Thanks for posting. To get those to appear as images instead of just links, put image tags around the link [IMG].

    For example, the below image looks like: {img}http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/atco99/wyatt-W.jpg{/img} (except use square brackets instead of curly ones).


    The easiest way is to copy the image url into your clipboard, and then click on the forum editor icon that looks like a little postcard (insert image appears when you hover your mouse over it). It will give you a window to paste your image link into. Click OK and your image is inserted complete with proper image tags.
  5. grunt26 Member

    Thank you, Brent!!!

    I just went back and edited my posting just like you said, and it worked!! Thank you so much for the image posting help, and for the comments about my bust!

  6. gothicgeek A Fixture

    hi Rod...

    lets see some more mate

    good work!

  7. tonydawe A Fixture

    Well done Rod. Please show us more of your work.
  8. grunt26 Member

    Thank you Mark and Tony!

    I appreciate the kind words of encouragement!
    I'll post more pictures soon!
    Thanks for the time and kind words!
  9. megroot A Fixture

    Great painted

  10. theseeker Member

    Nice painting and a great figure.
  11. grunt26 Member

    Thank you, Marc, and theseeker

    Much appreciated! The encouragement I'm getting here is amazing!
    Thanks again,
  12. Sambaman Well-Known Member

    Rod, welcome aboard, and thanks for sharing. Very nicely done over all on this, one of R4's best releases. I realy like the gloss of the hat brim. One item I would look at is the lips, they look just a tad too dark (red/maroon) to me, I would look at toning them down just a tad next time and I think you're the road to great things!

    Jay H.
  13. grunt26 Member

    Thanks, Jay!

    I'll definately look at the lips like you suggested. Thanks for looking and your comments, and I'll be sure to post more things in the near future!

  14. grunt26 Member

    Thanks to everyone who took time to reply...

    It's really great when a bunch of my peers can see my work and make comments, and vice versa!
    Thanks to everyone who took the time to do it!

  15. jacksparrow1979 New Member

    Hi Brent,
    Is that bust made by Jaguar?
  16. Brent Fordham New Member

  17. jacksparrow1979 New Member

    Thanks for confirming that Brent. I'm a big fan of Mike Good's work. I've been toying with the idea of getting that full size figure of Wyatt Earp that Jaguar do for a long time now.

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