Hi everyone
Legion Miniatures have established themselves in the hobby with many releases from varied periods in time including ancient , medieval , WW2 and beyond and of course there will be found Napoleonic subject
As you can see we have a very distinctive looking piece from:
I will share the resin first then some reference's at the end
Details of the release :
Title: Junior Officer of the Cuirassier Regiment von Tsastrova, Saxony 1810-13
Reference: LMBT0082
Scale: 1/9th
No of pieces: 4
Material: Medium Gray resin
Sculptor: Muzafer Vaapov
Casting: In house
Box Art: N/A on review item
The piece was as usual held in the now very popular laser cut box with all sides ( apart from underneath ) having stickers showing the piece , company logo etc

Packed with foam at the base the resin in clear bags and bubble wrap ...I was concerned ref the helmet peak initially on opening ...but no need all was well packed

Lets look at the Main Torso
This is obviously the largest piece and has the head included looking to the left and slightly down we also have the top half of the left arm
Wearing the single front cuirass with a pouchbelt running across
The sculpt is angled to a point at the lower front edge with the left arm on the same line which flows well
On an initial look the sculptors obvious skill shines and its a pleasure to have this in my hand
The cuirass is super smooth , stud work at the edges , underneath is what would be a red cloth , peeking out at the sides and just under the neck
The cuirass is held in place by metallic straps with the ends being shaped as you can see , the actual belt has a very nicely set of links , all are the same in style and shape and run from each from crossing at the rear
The pouchbelt has the distinctive lions head and a monogram on a shield ...excellent details in both ...between them there hangs 2 chains again well sculpted
Under the belt on the cuirass there is also the monogram
On the shoulders there are ( left a full epaulette and on the left a contra epaulette )....again the detail work is really a joy to look at , I like the way the epaulettes lift at the button area , the casting on these and indeed all area's is very sharply done
Looking at the collar this is being pushed slightly down as he looks downwards , its has a wide edging on it
We come to the face now so important to a bust in particular and I have no comment except its a cracking area to look at , sharp detail work on all parts , the hair is well worked as well .
So as you might guess I am very impressed by this so far ...lets have the pictures

Continued in next post
Legion Miniatures have established themselves in the hobby with many releases from varied periods in time including ancient , medieval , WW2 and beyond and of course there will be found Napoleonic subject

As you can see we have a very distinctive looking piece from:
I will share the resin first then some reference's at the end
Details of the release :
Title: Junior Officer of the Cuirassier Regiment von Tsastrova, Saxony 1810-13
Reference: LMBT0082
Scale: 1/9th
No of pieces: 4
Material: Medium Gray resin
Sculptor: Muzafer Vaapov
Casting: In house
Box Art: N/A on review item
The piece was as usual held in the now very popular laser cut box with all sides ( apart from underneath ) having stickers showing the piece , company logo etc

Packed with foam at the base the resin in clear bags and bubble wrap ...I was concerned ref the helmet peak initially on opening ...but no need all was well packed
- Our subject depicts the officer cradling his helmet in his right arm
- Minimal prep ( details below )
- Casting is very good , smoothly worked
- Base is sculpted into the bust

- Torso: Remove 2 x formers from underneath , sand away the casting line at the rear ( this was partially done on the review item but needed smoothing off ) , tiny casting line above belt buckle at rear to sand off
- Arm: Sand casting line on inside of arm and just above seam on other side , remove former from arm top
- Helmet: Remove casting line at lower edge of crest at rear , remove former from underneath
- Plume: Remove former from top

Lets look at the Main Torso
This is obviously the largest piece and has the head included looking to the left and slightly down we also have the top half of the left arm
Wearing the single front cuirass with a pouchbelt running across
The sculpt is angled to a point at the lower front edge with the left arm on the same line which flows well
On an initial look the sculptors obvious skill shines and its a pleasure to have this in my hand
The cuirass is super smooth , stud work at the edges , underneath is what would be a red cloth , peeking out at the sides and just under the neck
The cuirass is held in place by metallic straps with the ends being shaped as you can see , the actual belt has a very nicely set of links , all are the same in style and shape and run from each from crossing at the rear
The pouchbelt has the distinctive lions head and a monogram on a shield ...excellent details in both ...between them there hangs 2 chains again well sculpted
Under the belt on the cuirass there is also the monogram
On the shoulders there are ( left a full epaulette and on the left a contra epaulette )....again the detail work is really a joy to look at , I like the way the epaulettes lift at the button area , the casting on these and indeed all area's is very sharply done
Looking at the collar this is being pushed slightly down as he looks downwards , its has a wide edging on it
We come to the face now so important to a bust in particular and I have no comment except its a cracking area to look at , sharp detail work on all parts , the hair is well worked as well .
So as you might guess I am very impressed by this so far ...lets have the pictures

Continued in next post