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WIP Cpl John Prettyjohns VC (RMLI)

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi everyone

    Coming to the end of my AC models Archer and despite being nowhere near each other ......

    myself and Mr Jim Evans still stay in contact and he still dreads the phrase ..." I have an idea " ....

    But I did have one after seeing the release from Sarnia , wanting to do my version of this VC winner .....


    So we came to an agreement ...he would sculpt it for me .......and he could eat his biscuits in peace

    So off he went ...probably muttering ..."why oh why me "....

    I agreed to add rank badges and medals .....VC; British Crimea Medal with clasps for Balaclava, Inkerman & Sebastapol; Turkish Crimea Medal; Long Service & Good conduct medal; Sardinian Crimea Medal: China Medal (1857) with clasp for Canton.

    At that time VCs awarded to naval personnel had a blue ribbon, and as a Royal Marine he wore his VC with a blue medal). it is unusual to see a VC blue ribbon on a red jacket.

    He will have the hands separate holding a walking out cane just at the front ...a great idea by me ...lol

    I now have the bust less rank and medals here with me ...I will post pics before I add them

    But for now ...here's a couple of pics curtesy of Jimbovision

    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg

    Here's some of my reference I will be using in addition to the above image of course !!

    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg

    Stay tuned

  2. malc PlanetFigure Supporter

  3. Nap Moderator

    Cheers Malc ....you wait till the latest pics when I have them ...Jimbo has done a rather spiffing job...but don't tell him I said so ...LOL

    malc likes this.
  4. Scotty A Fixture

    Very nice, he looks big, what sort of scale is he?
  5. Nap Moderator


    Hi Scotty

    1/10th maybe 1/9th ....I will try and remember to put a measure on the pics

    Scotty likes this.
  6. Geoff Charman A Fixture

    That looks a super project Nap, but poor old/young Jimbo. I hope you supply him with plenty of biccies.

    I shall be watching this one closely;)

    Nap likes this.
  7. Jimbo A Fixture

    I'd say a decent 1/9 scale, (y)
    ( Naff all biscuits Geoff so hope he doesn't have anymore "ideas")
    Bob Orr, Henk, Geoff Charman and 4 others like this.
  8. Chris Oldfield A Fixture

    Nice bust Kev, & congratulations to Jimbo for making it happen. Great research material too.
    Geoff Charman, Jimbo and Nap like this.
  9. Nap Moderator


    It will be a good project ....looking forward to getting this going

    Cheers Jimbo ....ref biscuits ...none only because I am thinking about you to still being able to fit in that vest

    Indeed congrats to El Jimbo ...I had the idea ...no biscuits were harmed during this process

    Happy benchtime one and all

  10. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Poor ole Jimbo, still he has done a stirling job.
    Look forward to more Nap.
    Nap, Geoff Charman and Jimbo like this.
  11. Bootneck Well-Known Member

    Hi Nap.
    Great reworking of this bust and I am following with interest. I would love this to be the commercial version.
    What a shame that a new figure has to be worked so extensively to bring it up to scratch. An opportunity was missed with the original sculpture to get it right. Of course this is only my opinion.
    Nap and malc like this.
  12. Wayneb A Fixture

    Much potential Nap...….Good to see Jim isn't going too much by the painting where the neck looks a bit long. But on second thought, maybe that's the way he was built...Look forward to progress...

    Nap likes this.
  13. Henkm Well-Known Member

    Nice to see another unique project. Congrats to both and I'll be following this.
    Nap likes this.
  14. KenBoyle PlanetFigure Supporter

    What a team! When I was sculpting more, I wish I had access to the level of detail Nap provides. Great work. (y)

    Nap likes this.
  15. malc PlanetFigure Supporter

    This is what I like to paint....... shame I do not have the skill/ knowledge to make one.
    Nap likes this.
  16. Richie A Fixture

    Hi Kev,
    Jim is doing you proud, it's a good likeness.
    Nap likes this.
  17. Nap Moderator

    LOL .....he's a good lad Bob.

    Thanks Peter ..rework credit to Jim ......he used a lump of resin I had for years , can't remember what it was but the rework he did works well

    Of course if you want a less fuller figure there's the Sarnia release recently sculpted by PF member PLG

    Cheers Wayne ...good point ref the neck , does look a little long

    Cheers Henk ...as you say a unique project ...hopefully I will do it credit with my detail work

    Not so much a team mate ..I am the sub ..Jims our star player ...hope my details will match his skill at least .lol

    Can't beat the Victorian period ...so many options , nice to see you popping in

    You hit the nail on the head Richie ...looking forward to getting some paint on him ....wasn't going to start him next but might have now along with another I reckon !!

    Will try and do some update on Jims work later ...in between shopping with SWMBO

    Thanks one and all ...stay tuned

    Chris Oldfield likes this.
  18. Nap Moderator


    Hi Scotty I remembered...lol

    wip 002.jpg

    And as promised some more pics of how I received the sculpt from Ji ...all ready to put my bits on it......

    wip 001.jpg

    wip 006.jpg

    wip 007.jpg wip 005.jpg wip 009.jpg

    ...thanks for the note about the 'Ole Jim...lol

    Couple of pics closer to the actual size wip 003.jpg wip 004.jpg

    With the hands and walking out cane

    wip 008.jpg

    Thanks for looking in

  19. Jimbo A Fixture

    I want him back!....:(
  20. Nap Moderator


    You wait till you see my bits and bobs on him ....

    Oda and Viking Bob like this.

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