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WIP Corso Models French Artillery officer, Republic 1793

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Finally i have sometime to work on this artillery officer
    Finished the pants and epaulettes
    Still waiting for the wood base which should be here soon
    regards 20141105_212930.jpg 20141105_212939.jpg
    Aveleira, Don Johnson and billyturnip like this.
  2. MarquisMini A Fixture

    While i am waiting on the oils to dry up on the flag for another figure, i decided to dedicate time to this officer.
    Finished the scabbard, ppai ted the metal sword , weathered the boots , pants and lower part of the turnbacks with was left o er from the base coat from the boots.

    Attached Files:

    Aveleira, Don Johnson and tiberius57 like this.
  3. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Finished the leather boots.
    I've use a mix of vallejo brown leather and saddle brown for the top part of the boots.
    I added orange browto highlight and weathered some areas and vallejo burnt umber wash for shadows.. 20141228_133306.jpg 20141228_133356.jpg 20141228_133419.jpg
  4. Aveleira A Fixture

    Nice work so far ;) You have so may figures on the bench I kind of loose myself on which I've seen

    MarquisMini likes this.
  5. MarquisMini A Fixture


    haha i know Pedro, and that it is driving me nuts!.
    I need to seriously focus on finish one at a time.
    take care

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