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Cornelius from The Planet of the Apes

Discussion in 'Completed Figures' started by Joe Hudson, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. Joe Hudson Well-Known Member

    Here is my recent finished piece of the 1/8 resin 3D print of Cornelius from the Planet of the Apes movies and based off the original model kit’s artwork. I used Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl for 95% of the kit and the awesome leather paint from Lifecolors line.

    This kit will be available from Rise3DPrinting on the 10th. This is a special release for the upcoming WonderFest show. 4A72BD66-70EF-4683-AFC0-1047DC2EE037.jpeg B4CDC9AF-26BF-473F-BE6F-F6BF03160D06.jpeg EBE8B225-0B80-4E8D-A1EB-F61005A77853.jpeg 1875BDC8-DFBB-4BF4-BD9F-37EA90B0314A.jpeg B7EC9F3C-B37E-4C36-9E9C-2C50717FBCE2.jpeg 1FE1F16E-36F2-44C3-BD0B-53C9FC080284.jpeg 9744EDB7-6F03-4263-BB86-DD0CBC8BEDE9.jpeg
    NigelR, Nap, MattMcK. and 7 others like this.
  2. MoboSchreuder A Fixture

    Beautiful work

    Joe Hudson likes this.
  3. Joe Hudson Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much
  4. Steve Brodie PlanetFigure Supporter

    Very Nice, cant remember why he had green feet though
  5. Nap Moderator

    Hi Joe

    Great to see something different on PF ......figures cover all genre

    That's quite a big piece as well , well painted ..especially the leather with the flesh looking really good , nice eyes as well

    *****PLEASE also SUPPORT the COMPETITIONS of your choice by going to the relevant thread on this link and enjoy ENTERING and VOTING ***


    Thanks for sharing

    Look forward to seeing more and enjoying the hobby

    Happy benchtime


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