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WIP Copper State Models 1/35 Ehrhardt Armoured car & crew

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Gary Edmundson, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. Gary Edmundson Well-Known Member

    A current project on the go right now is a recent release from Copper State Models of their 1/35 scale Ehrhardt Armoured Car from 1917, along with their resin crew figures. Of the two drivers, one has been posed holding the front door open. Since there was not much of an interior included, I added what I thought would be seen from the outside of that. I also added some stowed tools based on reference photos, a second jack (since some vehicles carried two) and small brass wire "stays" for the hatch doors. Apologies to those who may have already seen this on the CSM FB page. Cheers,








  2. Oda A Fixture

    Mighty,mighty,mighty impressive.Love every tiny bit of it.Historical modeling at its best Gary.

    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  3. NigelR A Fixture

    Very nice. I really like the combo of dried/wet mud in the weathering, very effective.
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  4. SUPER ANTO Well-Known Member

    Nice.... :)
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  5. Dolf Well-Known Member

    Very nice!


    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  6. Francisco Member

    nice work!!Looking forward to see it finish!
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  7. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Fine rig work!
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  8. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Fantastic work!
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  9. Gary Edmundson Well-Known Member

    With work on the vehicle nearing completion, I've been painting the crew figures (again - these were produced by CSM). The officer had his head replaced with one from my spares box to show a happier look. The two drivers wore leather uniforms, so there's a bit of sheen to the look.



  10. Djoubri M Well-Known Member

    Excellent work. Like the car.
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  11. Maki Active Member

    Wow! I had my eye on this Copper State vehicle and seeing your fantastic work will make me go for it... Well done. I think there are also some 3D printed/resin Ehrhardt accessories produced by CSM. I'm not into WWI so I have no clue of those are necessary for the build.

    Anyway, I love the way you scratchbuilt the missing interior, it definitely adds a special touch. The figures are wonderfully painted. What did you have in mind for the scene?

    Nap and Gary Edmundson like this.
  12. NigelR A Fixture

    Nice work on the figures (y)
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  13. Sergei Active Member

    Wikipedia, which of course knows everything, tells us that the E-V/4 Panzerkraftwagen Ehrhardt carried an armament of up to three machine-guns. I noticed that your car already has four machine guns plus one more held by a member of the crew. But I assume one can not have too many machine guns.
    Gary Edmundson likes this.
  14. Gary Edmundson Well-Known Member

    This is handy info to know, Sergei. I assume the CSM design crew thought of this when they provided four guns with the kit, and I wondered myself how many they'd actually carry. There are several period photos in the reference book that came with the kit showing vehicles with four or more guns (possibly posed?). I'm actually using the two figures (with MG and Ammo can) for another project as all five would crowd my finished display. Cheers!
    Sergei likes this.
  15. Gary Edmundson Well-Known Member

    Hello Mario, the scene is quite basic, and just involves the vehicle sitting on a cobbled road with three of the figures by the open door. I’ll post some pics of the finished display soon as it’s now done.
    Nap and Mike - The Kiwi like this.
  16. Steve Ski A Fixture

    These figs look great, Gary! Fine work on the rig, too, btw.
  17. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Well on it's way to being another cracken WW1 scene and it's great to see the work on the vehicles, they are brilliant.
  18. Nap Moderator

    Hi Gary

    Good to see the next project , really like seeing the added detail on the vehicle and the weathering

    The figures are looking good as well , like the new officers face

    Presume you find it fairly easy to paint different scales

    Looking forward to seeing more

    Happy benchtime

  19. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Figures look great!
  20. Gary Edmundson Well-Known Member

    I recently put the final touches to my Ehrhardt project, securing it and figures to a base made from an old Verlinden Productions resin cobblestone section. I'll post a couple of photos in the "Finished" section too. Thanks to all who followed along!


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