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Coming soon 75mm Highland clansman 1745 TFB Miniatures

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by Steve headley, Jul 31, 2024.

  1. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi all here is a preview of the last of the releases it’s a 75mm Highland clansman 1745 this will be out soon I will
    Keep you posted.


    TFB Miniatures Team

  2. DEL A Fixture

    I like everything about this except the boots.
    They look to me like folded down riding boots which would have been worn with trews rather than a kilt.
    I suppose they could have been stripped from an enemy but the figure looks as if he could have afforded a pretty decent pair of ghillie brogues. Only my opinion but ghillies would give a better balance.
    MalcC, Babelfish and Scotty like this.
  3. Scotty A Fixture

    I'm pretty sure it's based on a character from Outlander. He wears those boots. beautiful sculpt.
    MalcC and DEL like this.
  4. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Del, Scotty thanks for the kind words the boots as Scotty has said are based on a character from out lander. That was the inspiration for the figure.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Scotty and DEL like this.
  5. DEL A Fixture

    I need to watch more telly :D Now it's been clarified I assume that the production company costume department referenced their inner Nancy Sinatra ;)
    That being said its a belter of a figure and all the better for giving the painter a complete scene.
    MalcC, Steve headley and Scotty like this.
  6. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Del, I think Nancy would have been proud mate lol. It is a nice figure and should paint up very well indeed.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Scotty and DEL like this.
  7. Nap Moderator

    Hi Steve

    Nice looking figure , good natural pose , lots of details .....like the way the base has been done with the debris

    Oh and THANKS ...can’t get the blooming song out my head now ...a classic ..lol


  8. Babelfish A Fixture

    I'm not totally against it and maybe it's just me, but whenever I see a "historical" figure that turns out to be based on a fictional movie or TV character, I kind of feel it takes something away from it and puts me off it a bit (no issues with fictional pieces marketed as such).

    All that said, that in itself isn't necessarily a deal-breaker every time, the sculpt is absolutely first rate and it'll look fabulous painted up. And the texturing on his jacket looks excellent. Who sculpted it?

    - Steve
  9. MalcC A Fixture

    I think this is a nice piece, and will paint up a treat.
    The fact that it's based on a film character doesn't bother me, if you like it, paint it.

    Nap likes this.
  10. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Cracking figure Steve, resplendent in plaid he'll be a beautiful figure.

    Cheers Simon
    Nap likes this.
  11. John Rosengrant A Fixture

    Great likeness ,great sculpt
    Steve headley and Nap like this.
  12. Blind Pew A Fixture

  13. David Spencer A Fixture

    Fantastic. Really nice.

    That's the fella who springs to mind!
    Steve headley likes this.

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