Thanks guys, glad you like this one. For those interested the steps were ,I primed the bust black, painted many layers of Vallejo acrylic silvergray let dry and then Vallejo silver wash one two coats and then again silvergray thin wash to make the bust look like marble. The shadows were made with Andreas printers inks black, brown,chestnut, blue/red to make purple all in very very thin washes.which are transparent and allow the marble to shine like marble.The inks puddled so I had to wash the puddles or streaks out each time. A thin build up 25-30 layers in some cases allowed the bust to keep its shine. It was a fun experiment. This is the same way I paint pearles or enamels or gems. So I figured it might work for a marble bust. I have several Roman busts in my grey army and it was nice to get one out of the box.