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Centurion, 75mm Pegaso

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Jamie Stokes, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the Input Martin

    Had seen your work before, and read some of your other entries too.

    I am impressed by what you know about the Ancient Romans.

    In my opinion, for a figure to have a lot of appeal, the sculptors often have to play to stereotypes (to some degree); most people get that idea from hollywood or tv. To get an idea of who is who, there are often visual shortcuts to help indicate who is who (Good guys in White hats, bad guys in black hats)

    I have tried to portray him to the best of my abilites, and the figure is more of a 'canvas' for me.

    When next I have a query about segmenta lorica and the correct era for its use (Infantry, early era rather then later era Roman histroy), or anything about my next Roamn figure, I'll be sure to ask you; I would welcome your input to make the figure as correct as possible.

    Your converting of the figure is impressive, from Helm to boots. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your figure picture too.

  2. Nap Moderator


    Janus ,
    This is as you say a nice figure , seen in many shows and posts , I like what you have done so far , the cloak is coming along nicely , , the leather armour looks good , I agree with your comments on the last post ..keep painting and posting ..., like the cards idea , I have all my mixes wrote down , your idea is much easier !!

    Tony ,
    Thanks for all the tips you have passed on , like you say eyes are a problem , I sometimes find if you turn the figure upside down ...or stand on your head !!!!!! ....now have a mirror on my work bench ..scary !!

  3. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Groundwork? display base

    Took a break from the figure (was scrambling to get the figure done by sat 24th, was flying out that morning!!), because he needs a base to display him.

    He comes with an adequate stone step base (cast in metal alloy) which, for me, is pretty lifeless.

    So found an old Circular base, and started using the Terrain techniques DVD hints.

    Long grass was deer hair, glues with CA at the base, then popped into a hole. Static grass (tan/winter shade) was added.

    The whole lot airbrushed, the 'branch' given a touch up with paint. (the wood colours didn't quite look in scale colour. Weird, I know.....:rolleyes:)

    Gave the grass various colours of green, the deer hair i gave a lighter shade of green to keep it realistic.

    Thinking about revisiting the top soil and adding some lighter shades of colour, improve the contrast...looks a bit monotone currently..


    Attached Files:

  4. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Facial disasters...

    Ok, while the rest of the figure was going along, and I'm burning the midnight oil, left the face for last....

    So my attempts at facial hair, and hair on his arm,,,,well, tired eyes do not allow for subtle finishes, nor the lack of time allowing for error correcting....
    So here is my big learning effort....

    Maybe he has just finished eating liquorish...maybe a few shovels worth:eek:

    Damn, nuts, gosh, darn, heck.:mad::rolleyes::eek::eek:

    OK, mistake made, no time to salvage it, only option was to travel and present the idea and show progress so far....

    Sods law (Murphy's evil cousin) showed up today, by delivering the book I ordered, advanced figure modelling, this morning, with the same figure and face done as a SBS, perfect, and 72hours late....

    Oh well, so much for the public (self inflicted) humiliation...

    This will be a strip and repaint..


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  5. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Some more of the body work

    Ok, here is where I am with the body so far...

    did the greaves on the legs, really botched the sandal strap work (the lacing for the caligia), but did add some colour to the sword belt, touched up some missed spots of painting (glaring white specks between armour plates...)

    The right arm I pushed the shading probably a bit too far, but I'll see how it goes when I marry it up with the rest of the figure...more pix later.

    Tried to add some shade and highlights to the white fringes, doesn't show up too well with flash.

    One more post and a few notes...:)

    Attached Files:

  6. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Centurion Brutus

    Hi, a pic of one of my colour charts, so I can share it with new types...Nap has already stolen the idea, so if it works for you, go for it...:D

    The other pic is of my Stepfather, Dave, retired Victorian copper, ex commander of Centurion tanks for a while (thus the theme!:D) and his reaction to "The Headless Centurion"....he appreciated the work put into the figure, and says thanks to all those who offered feedback on this project, which I forward to you all!

    So I reckon another two weeks, and I will get this figure where I want it to be.


    Attached Files:

  7. Maglar Member

    Great so far, makes me want to start my 1/16 hoplite.. but I need some new colors ;D
  8. tonydawe A Fixture

    Hey Jamie,

    Keep up the good work mate. Over the decades I've learnt far more from my failures than from my successes. Faces are the hardest thing to get right, so don't be too hard on yourself. Persistence is the key.

    As Dory says "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming"
  9. megroot A Fixture

    Good work so far.
    Hope to see the finish soon.

  10. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback

    Nap, thanks for the kind words, and glad to know I am not the only one who suspects there is a pull between historical accuracy and being recognisable figures. As for the cards, well, having a actual colour swatch helps if I ever want to duplicate the colour again....just notes means I can sometimes goof ratios slightly:rolleyes:;)

    Corey, Go for it with the hoplite, share your work and efforts, that's why we are all here...

    Tony, yep we learn more from mistakes then we do success, usually because mistakes precede success. Didn't mean to sound as though I was beating myself up, just taking the mickey from myself. Thanks though for your encouragement.

    Marc, thanks again for checking in and your gentle encouragement.


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