Cavalry Charge at Marston Moor - version 2


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Jul 22, 2017
Hi Guys

In the completed models section is my diorama of the Ironside cavalry charging infantry at the ECW battle of Marston Moor. I did take it to Telford but, unfortunately managed to damage the ensign holder - well knocked him off the horse - and, not having my modeling glasses with me I could not fix it so did not actually enter it.

Having returned home i saw a couple of things about the base I did not like; in particular the turf would be damaged by the falling horse. Also the composition is ok, but the viewer cannot really see the leaping horse with all four hooves off the ground.

big decision - build version two!

The plan is to use the core figures but add a couple more, on a slightly bigger base to fit the additional figures amd revised composition taking the new total up to about 15.

Step one - build a new base.

Fortunately woodwork is my other hobby and this took abut 12-15 hours in all. This photo shows the new base alongside the original. not only is it a bit bigger but the decorative edging is in a darker wood - utile rather than oak - which I think will look better.


Something you cannot see very well is that the base slopes down towards the front at a steeper angle than the original which will (hopefully) make it easier to see the figures at the back.

Next will be back to some sculpting.

You have shown that even the best diorama can be improved upon with a fresh outlook, and have the courage to upgrade the existing one. I will be interested to see the final outcome.

I saw the damaged version at Telford and it looked pretty good to me, but I think these improvements will make it even better. You put so much work into the figures I think it's worth the effort.

Remember your glasses next year...... 😉 😁
Wow a real glutton for punishment, but bigger will definitely be better with this even though it is already very dynamic.

Cheers Simon
malkie - you're not the only one interesting in how it will turn out-so am I. Although I have a vision in my mind I am sure it will turn out differently, probably not as good!

nigel - thanks, it was a disappointment to break something. My stupidity in not being careful enough. Such is life.

Simon - I think we sre all gluttons for punishment to a degree. hopefully i will enjoy building version 2 as much as I did the original.

Neil - whoop de doo exactly!

i have started to sculpt a couple of foot figures being trampled. To get an idea ov the poses I googled pictures of horse races where jockeys had fallen off. Found some very useful photos such as this one:


Hi guys

Based on photos of fallen jockeys I have almost finished sculpting two musketeers who will be under the 2 leaping horse, one cowering covering his head for protection; the second a more open pose of somebody just knocked down.

I cut a bit of expanded polystyrene to the size of the base, this will be used to hold the figures while I sculpt and finalise the composition. The pair of leaping horses (the two supported on only one leg)were removed from version one (bit of damage to one leg, but nothing too serious.

This pair will be moved from the right side of the version 1 diorama to the left side of version 2:


I'm not sure about using the more 'open' figure. If i don't i am sure I will be able to use it as part of another project.

Hi Peter

That’s nice conversion work on both figures , I think they work well together , you could look at possibly reducing the gap between the ‘open’ figure ?

Nice update whatever you decide

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun at the bench

Thanks guys

I am sculpting another fallen musketeer in a slightlydifferent pose. This time I have taken a few photos of the sculpting process.

Firstly making the basic armature. A few years ago I produced some guides showing an average human in different scales and this is used to judge the size. This does not need to be totally exact since humans are different heights. The pelvis and torso are Milliput on paper clip wires. The head, hands and shoes are various sources:


Next is setting the pose. Here I had a photo of a fallen jockey on my Ipad, then used this as a guide as I bent the limbs to a reasonable estimate of the pose:


The next stage was using Milliput, a thin amount applied to the limbs to fix them in place:


Then the fun part - using Magic Sculpt to add cloths, and equipment. To avoid damaging are I like to work on small areas, letting the putty cure before adding more. Although the actual sculpting of each limb is less than an hour, it has taken three evenings due to the curing time. This is why I tend to work on a number of projects at once.


this is my reference!
Nice reference. The wonders of home printers being able to reduce and enlarge as they copy. Have you also laminated it to keep it safe?

I also have a version using full figures, bit it goes up to 1/10 scale for sculpting busts. I admit that it also includes 75mm and 90mm, neither of which I have ever used!

Great work Peter, it is a slow process with the curing time but better than finding a bit squished with a thumb print in it!

I prefer to use Historex body parts rather than a full armature, though I generally sculpt the arms on paperclip wire. That's most because I'm lazy but also I can claim it's a Historex conversion!

Cheers Simon
Hi Peter.

Shame about the accident to the piece, but this rework promises to be even better.

I like both the fallen and trodden musketeers under the leaping horse. Helps to create gravitas to the space under the horse. Really exciting stuff.

Rgds Victor
Hi Peter

Good update and nice to see the various stages you go through

The pose is going to be interesting and very apt for this poor musketeer

Going to be good to see how you do all the belts and apostles flying about

Thanks for sharing

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy putty pushing
