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Carl Reid latest release 71st Light Infantry (Frazers Highlanders)

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by misfit151, Sep 16, 2023.

  1. misfit151 A Fixture

    On Carl's website new 120mm hand sculpted and cast figure.....bound to be popular....(y). Mike Recently-Updated88_1445x.jpg
  2. MCPWilk A Fixture

    Up to Carl's usual standard. However I have noticed that he often turns heads into awkward positions. This is alright, but I think looking up and to one side would be better than down as he has done here.

    dmcHobbes, Wayneb, Martin64 and 3 others like this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Mike

    Nice to see Carl's work here , good subject , would make a nice bust as well

    I like the head position, perhaps in deep thought of his family far away now

    Will be a good piece to paint

    Thanks for sharing

    Wayneb likes this.
  4. Richard Baxter A Fixture

    The 71st were later known as the Highland Light Infantry, but were classed as a Lowland regiment because they recruited almost exclusively in Glasgow. They have a TA centre not far from Partick Thistle's football ground.
  5. Steve headley A Fixture

    It’s a great sculpt as always from Carl think this will be popular.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Wayneb likes this.
  6. Wayneb A Fixture

    That's your opinion.....Carl Reid has always been one of my favorite "true" sculptors. What are you looking for ? Another poser?
    housecarl likes this.
  7. Martin64 A Fixture

    I guess that everyone taking part in this forum expresses his opinion and has to live with the fact that others share it or not. We also have to live with the fact that some members are incapable to express their opinion in an intelligent and polite way while they might post under influence of alcoholic beverages or a weak brain. The sculpt shows IMHO the typical style of Carl Reid. The figure is leaning against a wall or tree or is using it as a foothold or cover which indicates the surroundings and at times increases the drama of the pose. These poses and the balance of a body linked with surroundings are not easy to capture and so anatomy requires a lot of attention. Facial features are another fingerprint of Carl. He does not sculpt the smart looking guys but the dog faced regulars that bear all the hardships of campaign. Still not all of them were somewhat emacerated old men. War is mainly a business of young men - especially back then when having a good meal and sleeping in a tent was a luxury. So it depends on your personal preferences if Carl's work meets your expectations in these aspects. Cheers Martin
    Wayneb, tomifune, Blind Pew and 8 others like this.
  8. Nap Moderator

    Well said Martin

    I did amend Wayne's post

    Steve headley and Martin64 like this.
  9. MalcC A Fixture

    Something could be added, for him to be focusing on.
    I once asked Carl how he animated his figures or busts, and he told me that he twists the armatures around until he comes across a pose he likes
    and goes from there.

    Wayneb, Blind Pew, housecarl and 3 others like this.
  10. Babelfish A Fixture

    I saw the pre-amended version, which really was uncalled for.

    - Steve
  11. Babelfish A Fixture

    Like Mike Blank and a few others, Carl has a sculpting style that's immediately recognisable as his own. And I guess you're either a "fan" or you're not.

    Personally I'm a fan, and have bought a fair few of his pieces over the years. Not every subject and/or pose he's ever done has "worked" for me, and this one falls under that heading. But the same is true of every other sculptor I can think of, and I reckon this release will be popular regardless.

    I was all over his last piece (The Custodian), I'll give this one a miss, and I'll look forward to seeing what he brings out next. He's a great talent and long may he continue.

    - Steve
  12. MCPWilk A Fixture

    I agree that he is a superb sculptor with a feel for anatomy achieved by few. His style is very much his own but with a handful of his busts, he has sculpted his figures in extreme anatomical poses.

    Wayneb and housecarl like this.
  13. The Riveteer Active Member

    First rule of Fight Club - Don't criticise Carl Reid!

    I thought this sort of thing had died out on Planet Figure.
    I personally think some of Carl's figures are great (and I've bought a few), but I don't like a majority of his figures, for similar reasons, which just look anatomically off to me. I would hope that I would be allowed to express this opinion without inferring any critisism of Carl himself as a person. I have noted however that such comments often attract abusive responses here, and usually for what appear to be personal reasons seemingly defending Carl himself rather than the model. Why is this? It does not happen, for example, when Metal Modeles, Pegaso models, or most other British sculptors even, receive a negative comment.
    It's usually the original critic that comes away scarred and abused in these cases, with little support and merely for just pointing out something he doesn't like.
    Can't we stick to the issue raised rather than resort to personal digs at the person posting his view?

  14. Steve headley A Fixture

    It’s a personal thing you like it you buy it easy. I like Carl’s sculpts have I found some that I have found difficult to understand the pose yes as I have with other sculpters. But I admire the work put in to it.its the style of the sculpter it’s what he is know for it sets him apart.

    I say you are entitled to you opinion you should not be attracted for it. It’s a question of taste you either like it or not, pointing out what you find difficult is also fine. Carl has been in the game long enough to know you can’t please every one. Expressing an opinion should not result in what some would say are nasty remarks its just an opinion. It’s still going to sell well .

    Just enjoy the diversity that there is in the hobby both popular and the not so popular.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Wayneb and Merryweather like this.
  15. Wayneb A Fixture

    Apologies to all...Sometimes my other self just kicks in for no good reason.

    "Better to be silent and thought a fool; than to speak and remove all doubt"

  16. Nap Moderator


    Thank you Wayne

    All are entitled to opinions ...as Steve says quite rightly which all sculptors and companies know ...you can't please everyone every time

    This will certainly paint up well , a good subject choice

    Have FUN @ the bench wether sculpting or painting

    Wayneb and MalcC like this.

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