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Completed Carabinier - after Detaille

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Paul Handley, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. Paul Handley PlanetFigure Supporter

    A new Historex project - a Carabinier officer after Edouard Detaille’s painting ‘Before the Charge’. Some fairly extensive animation and the first time I’ve tried ‘Duro’; very nice for sculpting details but not quite as versatile as Milliput I’ve found. Still a mighty long way to go before I ask for any recommendations for ‘snow’. IMG_2611.jpeg IMG_2612.jpeg IMG_2489.jpeg
    Pedro, KenBoyle, sd0324 and 17 others like this.
  2. NigelR A Fixture

    A lovely subject and this will be another great Historex build.

    Duro on its own is not great for sculpting large areas IMO. It's good for belts and things like that where you need a bit of flex. Why not do what Bill Horan and many others do, which is to make a mix of Duro and another putty like Milliput. I believe Bill uses A+B with Duro, I find Magic Sculp works well but I am sure Milliput would also work. Using a mixture gives you some of the benefits of both putties.
    Scotty, KenBoyle, Oda and 6 others like this.
  3. taliesin2013 Active Member

    Excellent start.
    I'm waiting the sequel.
    Paul Handley likes this.
  4. Redcap A Fixture

    Superb choice of regiment and a 'classic' and elegant pose..what's not to like!

    A great start and I look forward to seeing this progress.

    Paul Handley likes this.
  5. Banjer A Fixture

    This is a real refreshing change from the stuff we have been seeing lately.

    You and Peter (PLG) and your Historex conversions are a breath of fresh air and have rekindled my interest in this forum.

    Paul Handley likes this.
  6. Nap Moderator


    That’s good to hear Bill ..look forward to more

    Paul’s got a great choice of subject here , a iconic picture from a so talented artist , a great start and good putty work

    Following with much interest

    Happy benchtime

    Oda and Paul Handley like this.
  7. Tommy Atkins A Fixture

    Evening Paul,

    I'm following this build with interest! Excited to see what you come up with. Regards Pete
    Paul Handley likes this.
  8. Paul Handley PlanetFigure Supporter

    Many thanks for all the encouraging words chaps - much appreciated. Although I haven’t been modelling much over the last few years I’ve still kept abreast of developments in the hobby and while I’m often staggered at the technical accomplishments of many of the resin miracles - often 3D printed - that are available now - and I don’t want to be controversial - but it sometimes seems to me that it’s been at the cost of a certain amount of flair, creativity and imagination on the modeller’s part. Shep Paine had it in spades and his work can often look a bit scrappy by modern standards, but it’s still so compelling and it’s hard to say why exactly.

    I think that’s why I’ve stuck to my Historex guns; they might be a bit wooden out of the bag (or box) and they require a bit of time, skill and experience (as well as a few trashed kits) to get right, but as a medium they’ll let you realise whatever your imagination can dream up - I only wish my bench time could keep pace with my imagination. :) Anyway, that’s my ten bobs worth - thanks again and I’d better go and sort out that Carabinier’s boots. :)
  9. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Lovely subject Paul, the Historex kits will always hold their own so long as modellers with the skill and patience are willing to make them, just hope our generation isn't the last to do so. Looking forward to seeing this one evolve, he's off to a great start, love the crest on the helmet.

    Cheers Simon
    Merryweather likes this.
  10. Paul Handley PlanetFigure Supporter

    Hi Simon, I did wonder if I’d overcooked that a bit but looking at illustrations and photos of extant examples the officer’s crests could be quite voluminous. Apparently, the Cuirassiers had quite a few dandies in their ranks so, as an even more elite arm, I suspect that was also true for the Carabiniers. It certainly looks substantial in the painting.
    Merryweather and Briggsy like this.
  11. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    No it looks about right to me and we'll textured, how on earth did you keep the Duro in place as you applied the texture?

    Cheers Simon
  12. marco14 PlanetFigure Supporter

    that is looking very nice already (y)
    Paul Handley likes this.
  13. Paul Handley PlanetFigure Supporter

    Before I applied the Duro the original crest was amended with Milliput that I milled - with a Dremel - to the right profile but a bit smaller than the finished crest. The Duro seemed to like attaching to the milled Milliput that had a bit of a key. I did anchor it in a couple places by smearing it against the Milliput in case it wandered - which it does, as I’m sure you know.
    Briggsy and Nap like this.
  14. Nap Moderator

    I was wondering the same ! ...looks great in place

    Paul raised good points in his other post

    Looking forward to seeing the boots on this fellow

    Paul Handley likes this.
  15. Paul Handley PlanetFigure Supporter

    Carabinier update. Major surgery; no matter how I stared at his legs and willed them to be right they just weren’t and the whole figure felt wrong. Anyway once I’d taken a Dremel to the whole shooting match it was quite liberating.

    The mistake I made was trying to adapt the kit legs instead of discarding them, making a new plastic pelvis and building the legs over wire - which I’ve now done. I’ve also discovered that Duro is great for details but for structural work, not so much (unless you’re Bill Horan - which I’m not).

    Consequently, there’s a lot of work still to do in terms of ‘finish’ but I’m now (more or less) happy with the overall ‘feel’ of the figure - bitter experience has told me that unless you get the underlying structure right no matter how beautifully rendered the details are the whole thing just won’t add up.

    And a very happy new year to everyone! (btw). IMG_2680.jpeg IMG_2681.jpeg IMG_2685.jpeg IMG_2682.jpeg
    Oda, KenBoyle, Redcap and 8 others like this.
  16. Nap Moderator

    Hi Paul

    Great to be liberated ...lol

    You’ve done a fine job with the legs , good shaping , liking the boot tops and pistol holsters

    Looking forward to seeing more

    Have FUN @ the bench

    Happy New Year and a even better ‘24

    Oda, sd0324 and Paul Handley like this.
  17. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    It is odd how much scratch building can be needed to complete a Historex figure, but that's just half the fun. Nice progress Paul, looking forward to seeing you tackle the arms.

    Cheers Simon
    Oda, Merryweather and Nap like this.
  18. Banjer A Fixture

    Looking good Paul. Arms are a bit thin lol.

    Happy New Year to you too.

    Cheers Bill
    Oda, NigelR and Nap like this.
  19. NigelR A Fixture

    Excellent progress and superb modelling, keep going!
    Oda likes this.
  20. Rob A Fixture

    You are making great progress on this one, I look forward to seeing him develop.
    Oda likes this.

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