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WIP Critique Captain ADC to Marshal Suchet 1811, 75mm Pegaso - Update II

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Aveleira, May 13, 2012.

  1. Aveleira A Fixture

    Hi Planeteers!

    I bring a new update of my current work.... and this figure is killing me... I'm painting the goldbraids but ain't that easy... I have now a base colour and in someplaces some shadows... but i'm a little lost. I think that I will try to highlight with lemon yellow, and some more brown to shadows, but HELP is needed...

    Some pictures:

    adc22.jpg adc23.jpg adc24.jpg adc22.jpg adc23.jpg

    Pedro Aveleira
    ChaosCossack likes this.
  2. ChrisP Active Member

    Hi Pedro, i think your base color is to bright, you should have used i darker base using various browns and try to highlight adding yellow and offwhite color
  3. ChaosCossack A Fixture

    This guy is coming along famously, very good work so far.
    For the lace, goldbrown might work for the base. Add metallic gold (if you want a gold lace look) and flat yellow for the first hilight and white to that for the second. A touch of burnt cadmium red to the goldbrown for the shadows. It has worked not bad for me in the past. You have to experiment with the mix to get the tone you want.

    Keep posting your progress

  4. raty Member

    hi in oils the colours are for GOLD is l.b.fine oil gold hue and w.n art oil colour gold mix in 1 pot. 2, w.n art oil colour gold and w.n art oil colour iridejcent white mix in 1 pot.and 3, l.b fine oil colour gold hue and w.n art oil colour iridesent white mix in 1 pot. the 3 pots are the gold i think you are looking for ?? and l.b is LEFRANC&BOURGEOIS FINE. at www.GREATART.COM ok good pinting . take care raty.
  5. Aveleira A Fixture

    Thank you guys for the tips ;) I have been watching closely the figures painted by Danillo Cartacci, as this one, and I think I discovered the trick...and it's more or less like Colin said to paint the lace. I tried now a mix and put toghter brown, yellow a little black and gold, so it would make that old gold for the shadow parts; for the hightlights he just put some light yellow. Sometimes he also make a kind of wash I think with that burnt cadmium red.
    Watch these pics and tell me what you think.

    b2b_PEG_75-028_3.jpg b2b_PEG_75-028_1.jpg b2b_PEG_75-058_1.jpg

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