One piece 1:9 scale (93mm) resin bust. Great character and sculpting. Well cast, very little clean up required. This "otto" be a lot of fun. (Oh, ha-ha! make funny joke - I'm sorry.)

Hi Rick
Definately a fun looking piece , seeing what you and Malc are painting is interesting and very tempting
Look forward to seeing how you paint the Octopus especially
This "Egg Protector" looks fun as well
Following with anticipation
Happy benchtime
Another super choice Rick, you're going to have loads of fun painting him.
nice start Rick, He's got that Villainous appearance already.
nice start Rick, He's got that Villainous appearance already.
Thanks, Malc... wrestling with his hat now.
... and a zit for Kev.He certainly has that ......those spots on the nose cry out to be painted more
Happy wrestling Rick
Thanks, Kev. Had a lot of practice when I was younger.Nice zit Rick
Happy benchtime
Thanks, Malc. Off to the MFCA show in Philadelphia today. Will work on the hat tomorrow.