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Box art for the French Hussars vignette from TFB / Odyssey

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by Steve headley, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi all here is the finished box art for the collaboration between TFB Miniatures/Odyssey Collectibles. It’s the 75mm French Hussars 1809. The set can be bought through both companies through their websites on the following.


    The box art was done by Jaime de Garnica. We think he did a great job.


    TFB Miniatures Team / Odessey Collectibles 1812B699-04DB-4272-9086-CC213202A698.jpeg 508A1CC8-3ABA-4A88-BA31-D387F7BEB08B.jpeg 568F3673-69F6-4D40-B4B6-62815AB2160F.jpeg 78006EAE-764C-44D8-90B9-3F2936C54B0B.jpeg
    marco14, Mirofsoft, Nordman and 3 others like this.
  2. Larsen E. Whipsnade Moderator

    Wow! Absolutely gorgeous.
  3. Rob A Fixture

    Agreed, beautiful paintwork on those two.
  4. MalcC A Fixture

    Awesome brushwork.

  5. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi gentlemen thank you for the kind words, very happy you like what we are trying to do. I will pass on your messages to both Eduard and Jaime they both will appreciate your kind words.

    Steve / Eduard

    TFB Miniatures Team / Odessey Collectibles
  6. Ian Pen PlanetFigure Supporter

    Really nice figures and so well painted. Your painting has a good style to it, that I like massively.
    Steve headley likes this.
  7. maui Active Member

    Nicely painted figure, but I don't think the 6th Hussars colors are correct. The color that distinguished the regiment was a dark purplish blue.
    Unlike when painting miniatures where we can give free rein to the imagination, when painting uniforms it is not possible to do it without a minimum of documentation.

    001.jpg 002.jpg Planche sur l’armée Française N°57 – Hussards Généralités 1804-1812 – Lucien Rousselot 1947.jpg
  8. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Maui thank you for the post I can assure you that the artist who did the artwork did research the uniform. Both us an Eduard at Odessey Collectibles trust Jaime did the research to achieve the finished product. But I will pass your information onto both Eduard and Jaime and see where he got the information from

    Again thank you for your input.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Nap likes this.
  9. marco14 PlanetFigure Supporter

    euh wow that is absolute amazing to see ,so beautiful painted
  10. Steve headley A Fixture

    Thank you Mario, it was a pleasure watching them come to life through Jaime’s brush work . Both companies are very happy with his work .


    TFB Miniatures/ Odessey Collectibles Teams
    Nap likes this.
  11. maui Active Member

    I understand, let's say that mine is a little help for those who want to paint the figure in case they don't know the subject well.
    Nap and Steve headley like this.
  12. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Maui I have chatted to Jaime, he’s said when we see the original paint it it will look different it’s down to the photo. So I will get to see it when it comes to us.

    Thank you for pointing it out it did make us think


    TFB Miniatures/ Odessey Collectibles Teams
    Nap likes this.

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