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WIP Bill Speakman VC ( Chelsea Pensioner )

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi guys

    Thought I would make a start on Sarnia Miniatures latest release ...but with a few additions/ alterations of my own wish

    Few air bubbles and excess resin to sort but nothing really drastic and at a bargain price as well

    Let me say I think that Peter Gilson has done really well on this and obtained a good likeness of Bill


    Box art from Peter Day image.jpeg

    Mine was cast in a cream resin , also provide is a detail sheet on the awards


    Which obviously has the VC onthe left as the highest award


    Chelsea pensioner wear 2 types of headwear the tricorn and the cap , Peter has sculpted with the former....

    Me being me and cheeky..I asked Peter for another head ...arrived 2 days later ....

    Bet you've guessed what I am going to say ...yes I wanted to try and make the cap

    Bill also is seen wearing a small SAS collar badge above medals ( he was also seen with a miniatures KOSB as well ...and actual badge on the cap ) ......I added the SAS badge....

    I also wanted to pay tribute to the Poppy , again Bill was seen wearing it with pride ....

    so I have since added one and also detailed up the VC scroll , crown and lion

    ...plus reworked the chevrons and SAS wings ( I will detail up this design using paint )

    Here's some pics I used

    image.jpeg (for shape only )

    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.png image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg

    Iffy pics next

    Jed, arkangelo, Oda and 6 others like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Iffy pics in the order I was working and taking them

    It took 3 attempts to get the pattern on the band on the cap

    All pieces are now primed in black drying overnight


    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
    Jed, Oda, Roc and 7 others like this.
  3. Geoff Charman A Fixture

    Some nice work there Nap, and as you seem to nearly always play around with commercial kit this one looks as if it's a winner.

    As I also have this one I shall be following with interest, although mine is as God intended.;)

    Viking Bob and Nap like this.
  4. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Nice Nap, very mice
    I like the idea of the cap, which I think is more of a Chelsea pensioner in every day dress. Following
    Geoff Charman and Nap like this.
  5. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys

    Geoff thank you ......suppose I do play around a bit ...lol .......putty pushing is quite relaxing as well ...now got more than enough to go on with ready to paint !!

    Hi Bob

    Bit of a typist eh...lol ....yes it's very mice ...brill..lol

    The tricorne is iconic but the cap is everyday but still smart ...as a matter f interest Bill Speakman wore both tge issue and a similar version but not strap ( with the KOSB badge ) ...so that coukd be another version if someone wanted .

    Thanks for posting


    PS Now added the leaf on poppy at 11.00 am position ...although Bills has moved to the 8:00 in picture....might change it !
    Oda, Geoff Charman and Viking Bob like this.
  6. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Hi Bob

    Bit of a typist eh...lol ....yes it's very mice ...brill..lol

    The tricorne is iconic but the cap is everyday but still smart ...as a matter of interest Bill Speakman wore both the issue and a similar version but not strap ( with the KOSB badge ) ...so that could be another version if someone wanted .

    Thanks for posting


    PS Now added the leaf on poppy at 11.00 am position ...although Bills has moved to the 8:00 in picture....might change it ![/quote]

    Mice is everything, seems you have fat fingers too. :ROFLMAO::happy::ROFLMAO:
    As for the poppy leaf, thats a myth
    patmaquette, Nap and Geoff Charman like this.
  7. Nap Moderator

    Hi Bob

    I prefer to say my fingers are muscled ...lol

    Changed the leaf as per ref picture ..lot better ...painting will bring it all out

    Thanks for lookng in


    Jed, Oda, malc and 2 others like this.
  8. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys

    Been basecoating Mr Speakman ...so que the iffy iPad pics

    Oh so tempted to go for this one especially after " Speed King " Geoff great work on his version .....LOL

    Note ..the SAS wings should be white with gold parachute ( see below ) .......it will be changed ! ...and the collar/cap won't be so blue !!


    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg

    Found this wonderful picture of Bill , good picture of the star on the chest as well as his face


    Jed, Oda, Viking Bob and 2 others like this.
  9. Nap Moderator

    Changed the wings !


    And here is a button with the intertwined lettering of RCI ( Royal Corps of Invalids )


    Plus the button hole detail on tunic


    The medals and star plus sash details






    In situ


    Bills facial features those eyes tell so much but quietly


    Jed, Oda, patmaquette and 2 others like this.
  10. Geoff Charman A Fixture

    Hi Nap, great reference pics mate, I also will have to change the wings colour.

    Thanks for all the help.

    Nap likes this.
  11. Nap Moderator

    Hi Geoff

    No worries ..just getting it together for mine !!!

    What's your opinion on the eye colour ...bluey gray ?

    Here's a close up of Peter Day's painting of the face/eyes


    And the medals


    Jed, Oda, patmaquette and 1 other person like this.
  12. Geoff Charman A Fixture

    Yes I think I used that like that colour, in the real pic of him it seems that sort of colour.

    The VC colour just doesn't look quite right, too lighter bronze, I darkened mine a bit.

  13. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    [quote="Nap, post: 973323,

    Found this wonderful picture of Bill , good picture of the star on the chest as well as his face


    You research is paying dividends and it shows on the painting. Looking forward to more of this Nap.
    (I am still looking for the star on his face though. Lol)
    Nap likes this.
  14. Henk A Fixture

    Good progress Nap. Is Bill a habitual user of Just for Men?
    Nap likes this.
  15. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    It's a shame this man died a year ago, a true quiet gentleman.
    Nap and Geoff Charman like this.
  16. Nap Moderator

    Cheers Guys

    Just painted the eyes on both heads one looking forward wearing tricorne , the other looking to the left in the cap ..went for a bluey gray

    Now going to stop on Bill for a while and finish the Yeomanry !

    Thanks for looking in


    PS Didn't Geoffs version look good
    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  17. Cannonball A Fixture

    Coming on great Nap. Love the reference material in the thread as well. Keep it coming.

    Nap likes this.
  18. Nap Moderator


    Cheers Neal

    Nice to have you comment

    Have to say I am looking forward to doing more on him

    I believe Geoff said about the good value of the pieces from Sarnia's catalogue ...certainly look forward to seeing what's next

    Can't make it to Euro so inbetween family stuff sure this will feature on my bench !

    Happy benchtime

    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  19. Nap Moderator

    Hi Everyone

    Bit of a update with some iffy pics ....

    Medals and star all completed

    Rank and wings WIP here...now completed will try a picture later!!!

    I have since lightened the medals , as always it looks better in real life ..like me really!!!...LOL

    Also took off the small SAS wings badge above medals and replaced with a KOSB one , wanted something relating to both Regts on him

    Reworked the centre of the star wanted something more shaped for the centre

    Coat basecoated getting ready for that

    Thanks for looking in


    ZWednesday 009.jpg ZWednesday 011.jpg ZWednesday 010.jpg
    Jed, KenBoyle, Oda and 2 others like this.
  20. Nap Moderator

    Completed wings and rank

    image.jpeg image.jpeg

    Jed, KenBoyle, Recon and 4 others like this.

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