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Completed beginner need comments

Discussion in 'Painting Techniques' started by pava, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. pava Member

    After I destroyed the 6 figures learning on them how to paint figures these are the ones that I finished after them so i need comments from professionals to see where did I made a mistake and improve my skills;) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
  2. SRP Active Member

    It looks like you have a steady hand for detail Dominik....but it's a classic case of a little glossy on the finish. I don't know what paint medium you use..and some acrylics can have a sheen if not shaken enough. A Matt finish will definitely improve the finish.
    If you have any...try brushing..or spraying a good Matt varnish on the ones you have already done...and you may see what I mean. Then it's a case of studying light and shades for a deeper looking finish.
  3. Gary D PlanetFigure Supporter

    looking good Dominik! In North America we can buy a product called Super Clean in the local Walmart department store. It is in the Automotive section and actually is an engine degreaser. Alot of us use it for stripping paint off of models and figures. If you can find it in Croatia, you can strip and repaint the ones you say are ruined. It is excellent for stripping paint off of styrene plastic (cars and tanks etc.).

    Best of luck!

    Gary Daugherty
  4. pava Member

    Thanks for the advices Steve and Gary I removed some of the sheen on the figure but as you can see it still has a little sheen i will try to fix it for stripping paint i use aggressive thinners one that I use doesn't damage plastic so it is good and paint is removed well
  5. Ferris A Fixture

    You indeed have a steady hand and some good brushes as you managed to pick out some very fine details in this scale, like the insignia.

    What paint did you use Dominik?

    One thing I seem to notice is that you use one base colour and than do the shades with a greyish wash one all the parts, skin and uniform the same (is that correct or not?).

    What you could try next time is to adapt the shading colour to the base colour; so use a different one for skin and uniform.

    Another thing you could try, is to do both shading and highlighting, the latter with a lightened base colour. How to do this strongly depends on your paint if choice... It's quite different for enamel, oils and acrylics.

    Overall, you figures look nice, particularly for this scale.

  6. pava Member

    i used model master testors enamel colors for base colors for the shadows and highlight i used oil paints for shadows i used black painted on place that that should be darkened and excess is removed with handkerchief or with dry brush

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