The Desert Patrol is a paramilitary force of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
It was formed as as a part of the Arab Legion in February 1931. Their main task was border control. Mainly Bedouins are recruiting for the Patrol and they help to establish strong links between the Bedouin and the monarchy that survive today.
Nowadays Desert Patrol have mostly police and pathfinders tasks in the desert regions of Jordan.
Their uniform traditionally is that of Arab Legion. For this bust I used as a refference photos from "National Geographic" issue of 1962. But untill now patrolmen amunition had only slight changes. This work is made of 'Cernit Doll collection' media and some delicate parts are made of Magic Sculpt. It's 1:10 scale.
It was formed as as a part of the Arab Legion in February 1931. Their main task was border control. Mainly Bedouins are recruiting for the Patrol and they help to establish strong links between the Bedouin and the monarchy that survive today.
Nowadays Desert Patrol have mostly police and pathfinders tasks in the desert regions of Jordan.
Their uniform traditionally is that of Arab Legion. For this bust I used as a refference photos from "National Geographic" issue of 1962. But untill now patrolmen amunition had only slight changes. This work is made of 'Cernit Doll collection' media and some delicate parts are made of Magic Sculpt. It's 1:10 scale.