Another hussar from spares


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A Fixture
Feb 3, 2018
This guy is from a stripped down project from a few years back ,I think the horse is from the Captain Manhes figure I know I have bought this one twice so maybe the third time I will actually assemble and paint him.

I have included some notes and pictures of the material used so far which may be of interest .
For the ground work paints ; undercoats after priming : Tamiya Nato Black XF 69 . wooden deck tan XF78 . Flat earth XF 52 .
The Oils . Mars Yellow. Indian yellow. Naples yellow .olive green .Tit White.
Apart from the white all the rest are over 30years old as you will see by the state of the tubes , I don't think the Naples yellow is available in that format any longer as it is full mod heavy metal elements but is still the bees knees for highlighting ( I may just have enough left to see me out ):eek:

So on to the Pictures ;First the concept . fullsizeoutput_8ca.jpeg

Hussar charging down hill. Horse from captain Manhes kit fullsizeoutput_92d.jpeg
fullsizeoutput_92a.jpeg fullsizeoutput_92b.jpeg fullsizeoutput_92c.jpeg fullsizeoutput_92e.jpeg
Groundwork fullsizeoutput_925.jpeg fullsizeoutput_924.jpeg


Materials & paints IMG_6234.JPG fullsizeoutput_930.jpeg


Paints for horse : Ivory black , Vandyke brown , Gold Ocher and mixed with a tad Cad Orange , Naples yellow , Raw umber "Old Holland" and white for the hooves Raw umber Vasari to shade the hooves .
Tiger skin Mars yellow , gold ocher, Tit White.

All comments welcome good or bad :rolleyes:
Hi Ron

Great to see you posting stuff , and what a cracking result already , love that tiger skin painting

groundwork really work as well

Thanks for sharing details always interesting to see

Following on this

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Nothing like a 54mm Napoleonic Hussar is there ? (even though they can be an absolute bugger to paint).
Most of us, I expect, were drawn to this figure painting lark by the rainbow world of Napoleonics - I certainly
was, so I'm looking forward to seeing this one develop. Although I have to tell you Ron, that I've never seen
such disgraceful tubes of oil paint in my life...........:) Great work.

Nothing like a 54mm Napoleonic Hussar is there ? (even though they can be an absolute bugger to paint).
Most of us, I expect, were drawn to this figure painting lark by the rainbow world of Napoleonics - I certainly
was, so I'm looking forward to seeing this one develop. Although I have to tell you Ron, that I've never seen
such disgraceful tubes of oil paint in my life...........:) Great work.


re the paints Mike :ROFLMAO: they are old tubes they were probably bought before 1984 and they were half empty then so about 40 Years and as I said the Naples yellow is the old toxic version and far superior to what you can get now .
Thanks for the kind comments . (y)

Fabulous painting....(y). I've said it before and I'll say it can't have too many Hussars...;). Mike

Yip hussars Hussars . The thing about MM ones is that Bruno sculpts and casts such fantastic braiding and of course the casting and metals are second to none .
Another thing that attracts me to his hussar figures is that the torso is separate from the legs so you can manipulate and turn the body a little to get a bit of movement without to much surgery .

There is another in the post due to arrive soon :D

Thanks for the kind comments Mike .

As a Napoleonic fan and an oil painter it is always a pleasure to see your work Ron

Thanks Kieth Nap stuff is where I started ; painting 25mm war game armies , at one point I had enough to invade Russia .
Used to convert them a bit as I was following Julian Bonassi's guidance at the time as he was painting commission war-game armies as so was I .

thanks for the comments .

Those Winsor & Newton labels are from the late 1970's. Instant nostalgia.

Too pretentious for me at the time. Winsor & Newton Artists quality, la-dee-da! I was painting my Historex with Winton.

Can we have an oldest tube of paint contest?

I lost my really ancient ones in a house move so I can't join in; 20 years old is nothing. What sizing was used for paints before ML? Was it fluid ounces?
cheers del

Are you still running silent and deep or do you fancy surfacing for a beer, maybe we could get those two other Hunter killers to join in :D

Much as I'd love to I've still got another 4 weeks behaving myself following surgery, nothing to serious, a 'primary intervention' and purely elective. Brian has been sensible and has been well hunkered down. Davie currently has tons of work, so it's probably sensible to hold fire until things hopefully settle a bit more.