Nice job Ed!! I recently finished this kit myself and you did a nice job!! Attaching it to the glacier face was a bitch wasnt it!! I had the hardest time mounting it.
Thanks Jason. Yes it was a bit of a tricky one to assemble! I stuck it all together (including the rope) and attached it to the ice wall before painting..
You know, I have never been a fan of Andrea kits as they always seem to have major fit issues but this one wasnt to bad for me. My only glaring critique would be to push the highlight more on the blue but even without it, the paintwork rocks!
Hi Edward
nice work mate! I've only seen a few examples of this, its a really nice composition Edmund would be proud.
Best Regards
Thanks a lot guys. It is a nice figure by Andrea, very well sculpted and it fits together fine - not easy to attach to the ice wall though! And the rope was a pain - the kit comes with a piece of thread but I used wire instead. Would be great if they did a figure of George Mallory as well.