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WIP And on my Bench we have ......Mr Mott

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Been working on this from Mitches it is of course W01 (GSM) Mott mm.jpg

    isnt he lovely !!!

    .....been in my cupboard for a long time

    ...originally started in 2013 almost 3 years to the date!!!

    here is the WIP link ....http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/w01-gsm-billy-mott-let-the-rework-painting-etc-begins.58527/

    He will be holding his forage cap and not the bearskin .....as I like to I have reworked all the medal ribbons reducing them in qty to 6 as here... m.jpg

    rather than the 8 he wore in the picture its originally based on. mmm.jpg

    I have detailed up the inside the forage cap and now working on the gold lacework

    PF 014.jpg

    Thanks for looking in

    Wings5797, BillW, Monsoon and 14 others like this.
  2. misfit151 A Fixture

    Looks as if you have caught him perfectly...well done ..love the collar...:). Mike
  3. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    I make this 3 on the go, I didn't know you could juggle too. He looks great Kev.
  4. anstontyke A Fixture

    looking good. are you working on so many figures at once so that jimbo can replenish the biccy stash:LOL:

    Oda, peedee and napoleonpeart like this.
  5. mick3272 A Fixture

    Hi Kev

    I see he is holding a pace stick, will he be wearing a sword as well??
    Or just the hilt. ??
    Oda, peedee and anstontyke like this.
  6. MCPWilk A Fixture

    peedee and anstontyke like this.
  7. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Thanks for the posts ..the sword top plus straps will be there , as for the cap it's the one that Mike did which Jim kindly cut the head off .

    I used the original hand from bearskin but built it up more as it looked a bit thin.

    Currently working on the sash to lighten it more , far too dark originally

    Here is a quick iPad piccys of the cap ..still WIP !!!

    Thanks for looking in


    image.jpg image.jpg
    arj, Oda, peedee and 2 others like this.
  8. MCPWilk A Fixture

    I've not seen the cap finished before - you got the cap band (green/gold) just right.

    anstontyke, napoleonpeart and peedee like this.
  9. MarquisMini A Fixture

    wow Kev, you are a non stop painting machine! :)
    great job so far, looking forward to see it finish
    anstontyke, Oda and peedee like this.
  10. peedee A Fixture

    Very nice Kev.

    Looking forward to more.

  11. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    This would make a good piece, The Regimental tailor inspecting the fit of the tunic. But as an ex -line Regiment soldier, I can imagine what he is saying.

    GG 2016.jpg
    anstontyke likes this.
  12. Scotty A Fixture

    In the top picture he has the 30 year bar on his LSGC but not in the portrait. Just in case it slipped past you.
    Looking forward to the rest mate. Good work.
    anstontyke and napoleonpeart like this.
  13. Oda A Fixture

    Don't have the slightest idea who that man is (a bit of a briefing for us non Brits then?) but I know what I like and I like what I see.Very well indeed Kevin.

    anstontyke and napoleonpeart like this.
  14. smudger1960 PlanetFigure Supporter

    Very nice Kev,have you done this piece before ?
    anstontyke and napoleonpeart like this.
  15. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Thanks for posting .

    Scotty ..cheers , he now has the 30 year bar , I have also detailed up the waist belt with the adjusting buckle, retaining hook and the holes for any further adjust.

    Mike ..thanks for commenting ref the band , the green and black are very close to each other in colour , so best not to go too green..pleased you think it's worked , the underside of the peak will also be in green as in originals , the peak gold is still WIP !

    Smudger ...this was started nearly 3 years ago ...2016 is the year of Mott !

    MM ...painting machine ...just lucky I have the time! ...need to work on techniques though..lol

    Oda ....The subject was in the Welsh Guards for over 30 years rising to every guardsmans nightmare Regimental Sgt Major the highest non commissioned rank in the British Army , then he became the Garrison Sgt Major for London District responsible for all ceremonial aspects of London in Trooping of the Colour , Queens Birthday Parade etc.

    In the role of GSM he has a badge which was brought back into use for the position ...the Royal Arms on 4 stripes , he has joined the long list of highly respected soldiers which include W01 Perry Mason and Alexander Dumon amongst others ...all very imposing both on and off the Parade ground

    Thanks for looking in

    More to follow when ready !



    PS ....Wings (Keith Mayhew) did a great version of Mr Dumos

  16. mick3272 A Fixture

    Forage cap looking good. Cap band colours are good, dont let the green get to light as you can't notice the difference in the colours until you get up close.
    All coming together
    anstontyke, napoleonpeart and Oda like this.
  17. Oda A Fixture

    The archetypal NCO then,the backbone of British armies through the ages and one of the reasons (the other being the simple Tommy's grit) behind some of Britain's greatest triumphs on the battlefields.Now I like this figure even more.Thanks for the history Kevin.Do post such details whenever possible please,always delighted to learn such historical details.

    Scotty, anstontyke and napoleonpeart like this.
  18. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys,


    in realtime the green/ black is very close , certainly won't be going any lighter on the green !

    Oda ,

    Backbone indeed my friend ...glad you found it interesting to have a bit of info .

    Thanks for looking in

    Oda and anstontyke like this.
  19. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys

    Here is some pictures of the inside of various guards caps ( the sweatband can be either black or brown learner ..quite like the brown as a bit of contrast , he last looks like a private purchase ..officers/WO1 maybe ) and the sword straps and hooks ...hopefully be will look something similar !


    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
    anstontyke, Oda and Scotty like this.
  20. Nap Moderator

    Guys ,

    Can anyone confirm that the metal work on the sword belt and straps and hook would be brass not white metal bit unsure from pics .

    Thanks to Mick for highlighting this question

    anstontyke and Oda like this.

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